Chapter Forty-Six

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A few days later Anna stands in Carlisle's office doing her physical therapy with Rosalie when Embry walks in "How's it going?" he asks, giving her a kiss

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A few days later Anna stands in Carlisle's office doing her physical therapy with Rosalie when Embry walks in "How's it going?" he asks, giving her a kiss. "Good, Carlisle said I'm good to come home now." Anna responds. "Good." Embry smiles. "How's Isaiah and the twins?" Anna asks. "Missing you. We told Isaiah that you were sick and Carlisle had to look after you for bit. We also told him that when you get back he has to be gentle because you're still not 100%." Embry explains making her nod. Rosalie walks in holding a bag "I've packed your stuff for you so we can get you home." she tells Anna. "Thank mum." Anna smiles. Embry gently picks Anna up "Emb!" she whines. "Doctor's orders, you're not to over exert yourself." Embry reminds her making her sigh and lean into him. Embry carries her downstairs and sits her on Jasper "I'll go put your stuff in the car." he tells her. Anna nod and leans into Jasper who chuckles "Comfy?" he asks. "Yep." Anna smiles. Emmett walks in and takes a picture of the two of them "Keeping that." he tells them. "Wouldn't expect anything else." Jasper responds as Anna smiles. "You looking forward to go home?" Emmett asks. "Looking forward to seeing Isaiah and the twins." Anna responds. "I'm sure they're looking forward to seeing you aswell." Jasper tells her. Embry walks back in "Ready to head home?" he asks. "Ready to see my babies." Anna responds. Embry smiles and picks Anna up after Jasper kisses her head "I'll pop round to see the Little Captain at some point in the next couple of days." Jasper tells them. "We'll let him know." Embry smiles.

Embry helps Anna out the car as Jacob pull up in his car with Quil "Hey guys." Embry smiles. "Hey, how you doing Anna?" Jacob asks. "I'm good, happy to be home." Anna responds. Quil nods "Fair warning Isaiah and Claire are now best friends, practically joined at the hip." he tells her. Anna smiles "Thought they might become best friends, they're like the four of us in that way." she responds. "Fair point." Quil chuckles. The four of them walk inside to find Leah watching cartoons with Isaiah "Saiah, look who's home." Leah smiles. "Mummy!" Isaiah grins running over and hugging her leg. "Hi baby, you been good?" Anna asks brushing his hair out his eyes. "Uh huh, Cwaire and I had loads of pway dates." Isaiah smiles as he pulls Anna to the sofa. "Wow, you have fun?" Anna asks sitting Isaiah on her lap "Heah, Cwaire is my bestie." Isaiah responds. Anna smiles and hugs him "I missed you baby." she tells him. "Missed you too mama." Isaiah tells her. Leah smiles and hugs her best friend "I'm glad you're back." she tells her. "Me too Leah." Anna responds. Embry walks in holding Amy and Aurora (four months old now) "Look who I've got." he smiles. Anna smiles and takes them "Hi babies, mummy missed you." Anna smiles. The twins smiles and start babbling, Isaiah smiles "I helped Auntie Em look after them." he tells Anna. "Thank you baby." Anna tells him, kissing his head.

That evening Anna lies in bed in Embry's embrace as they talk "I missed having you here." Embry tells her. "I missed you too." Anna responds. Embry kisses her softly "I was so scared I was going to loose you. I thought I didn't get to you in time." he tells her. Anna strokes his face gently "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." she responds. Smiling Embry kisses her again softly, Anna smiles into the kiss before they break apart "I do have one thing we need to talk about." Embry tells her. "What?" Anna asks. "What we're going to do with Bella and Jameson." Embry responds. Anna bites her lip "I don't want to see them again if I'm perfectly honest." she responds. "I understand that. Just remember the Pack is behind you, so are the Cullen's and so am I." Embry assures her. Anna nods "I'll leave it to you and the pack, I can't have anything else to do with them." she tells him. "I'll talk to the pack tomorrow while you and Emily are going through her wedding planning book with her." Embry says. Anna nods and nuzzles into his chest "Tired?" Embry asks. "A bit, the meds Carlisle has me on make me sleepy." she responds. "Go to sleep, I'm staying right here." Embry responds making Anna nod sleepily and close her eyes.

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update. I've started my Final Major at Uni and had to create and hand in a portfolio for my next Uni course.

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