Chapter Fifteen (Edited)

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Anna lies in bed when Embry walks in with a smile on his face "Happy Valentines Day. Sam has given me the day off to spend with you and Isaiah." he tells her. Smiling Anna sits up and kisses him "Happy Valentines Day to you too." she tells him. Embry smiles at her "I've got your presents at Emily's." he tells her. "I've got yours right here. Let me get dressed and you can have them." she says kissing him. "I'll get Isaiah dressed." Embry tells her before picking Isaiah up out of his crib where he was playing.

After getting dressed Anna walks out to the living room to find Embry feeding Isaiah his breakfast "Aww

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After getting dressed Anna walks out to the living room to find Embry feeding Isaiah his breakfast "Aww. My two favourite boys." she smiles making Isaiah and Embry turn to look at her. "You look beautiful as always." Embry tells her. Anna blushes "I see you got him dressed." she smiles. "I may have bought this a couple days ago." Embry tells her pointing at Isaiah's top.

Once Isaiah had finished eating Anna and Embry get him in the car along with Embry's presents "So where are we heading to?" Anna asks

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Once Isaiah had finished eating Anna and Embry get him in the car along with Embry's presents "So where are we heading to?" Anna asks. "Emily's place, I left your presents there." Embry tells her. Nodding Anna starts driving towards Emily's house. "Mama, Dada." Isaiah says from his seat. "What's up Little Man?" Embry asks turning in his seat to look at him. "Wof." Isaiah tells them patting his top. "It is a wolf. Well done buddy." Embry tells him. Isaiah giggled and starts playing with his car toys. He pulls out the wolf toy Sam gave him and giggles "Wof Wof Wof!" he cheers making Anna and Embry laugh. They pull up outside Emily's house and walk in with Isaiah in Embry's arms. "Hey guys." Anna smiles when she spots Jared and Paul on the sofa. "Hey Anna, Hey Embry. Hey Isaiah." Jared smiles getting up and taking Isaiah to the living room to play. "Jare!" Isaiah laughs as Jared starts tickling him. Jared smiles "Yes buddy?" he asks. Isaiah points at a ball. "Ba." he tells him. "You want the ball?" Paul asks. "Ya." Isaiah smiles. Paul hands him the ball making Isaiah smile "Paw" he says pointing at Paul.

Anna chuckles and goes to the kitchen with Embry where they find Emily and Sam. "Hey Em, Hey Sam." she smiles. "Hey Anna. Where's Isaiah?" Emily asks holding a plate of Muffins. "Jared and Paul have kidnapped him in the living room." Embry tells her. Emily laughs "He's got everyone wrapped around his finger." she tells them. Anna nods "Yeah. He's also got a new favourite word." she tells them. "What is it?" Sam asks. "I'll show you." Anna smiles as they walk over to the living room. "Isaiah come here buddy." she tells him. Isaiah crawls over and stands up, smiling Anna picks him up and points at his top "What's that on your top?" she asks him "Wof!" Isaiah shouts making the pack laugh. "Well Done it is a wolf." Anna praises kissing his cheek before putting him down. Isaiah smiles and walks over to Emily "Em." he smiles hugging her leg. Smiling Emily hands Sam the plate and picks Isaiah up "Em." he cheers hugging her. "Hey Buddy. Is he allowed some Muffin?" she asks Anna. "Yeah only a bit though." Anna smiles. "Can you guys keep an eye on Isaiah while we give each other our Valentine presents?" Embry asks. "Of course. If we need you we'll come get you." Emily smiles sitting Isaiah in his highchair, which is kept round there.

Embry and Anna sit out on the front porch together, Anna sits down as Embry hands her a small gift bag. Opening it Anna smiles when she pulls out a necklace "It's beautiful Emb." she tells him, Embry smiles and puts it round her neck for her.

"There's something else in there as well

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"There's something else in there as well." Embry tells her. Anna takes the last present out and puts the bag down by her side "It's a Quileute Promise Bracelet. Emily helped me make it for you." Embry tells her. Anna smiles and kisses Embry gently but passionately "I love you." she tells him. "I love you too." Embry smiles, helping her out the bracelet on.

Smiling Anna hands Embry a flat box, Embry smiles and opens it to find a peice of paper

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Smiling Anna hands Embry a flat box, Embry smiles and opens it to find a peice of paper. He reads it and smiles even more before hugging Anna tightly "Are you sure?" he asks. "Emb, Isaiah calls you Dada already. I wanted to put you on his birth certificate and use your last name for him to make it official." Anna assures him. Embry kisses her making Anna put her hands in his hair, they pull away and rest their foreheads in each other as they catch breath. Together they walk into the house holding hands "You two look happy." Sam smiles. "Anna put my name of Isaiah's birth certificate, making him Isaiah Charlie Call." Embry tells them. Emily smiles "Aww. That is so sweet." she tells them before turning to Sam who nods. "Okay we have some news as well. Sam proposed last night." Emily smiles. Anna squeals "Oh My God! Let me see the ring!" she tells Emily as the boys congratulate Sam. Emily smiles and shows Anna the ring on her finger. "It's beautiful Em." Anna tells her giving her a hug. "Thanks Anna." Emily smiles hugging her back. Anna hugs Sam "Look after her or I'm after your ass." she tells him jokingly and putting her hands on her hips. "Sure thing Anna." Sam chuckles giving her a gentle nudge.

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