Carry On: An Imagine For Lyndsey Rae

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Lyndsey's P.O.V:


Dean was working on 'Baby' when I came out of the crappy motel room.

"What'cha doin'?" I asked obivously not interested in the car at all, but the way Dean's eyes would light up when I asked him about his precious car just makes my day. He wiped the engine off and chuckled, closing the hood and walking towards the trunk.

"Just fixing up Baby. Why?" he looked around to make sure no one was around when he lifted the top to the false bottom, displaying all of our weapons and such.

"No reason, just curious." Dean grunted and then silence fell between the two of us. 'Awkward' I thougth to myself, combing my fingertips through my straight black hair. A habit I had picked up when I was in middle school. Whenever things got boring or awkward, I would just comb my fingertips through my hair until I reached the ponytail that kept it out of my face. Luckily Sam had came out of the room before the tension became too much for me to bare.

"Hey." Dean said acknowledging Sam's presence.

"Hey, how long you guys been up?" he asked both of you.

"I haven't been up too long." you stated in Sam's direction.

"Unlike you too, I've been up long enough to find us a new case."

"Long enough to? I take it that means your feeling back to normal?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, whatever that means in our world." Sam shrugged in agreement.

"So uh..right here!" Dean reached into the Impala's trunk and pulled out a newspaper, showing it to you and Sam. He hit the paper where the article was located with a picture of a missing person.

"A teacher at an all girls school went missing in Flint, Michigan. She was, uh, headed to her car and disappeared. No one has seen her since." Dean finished and closed the trunk.

"Dean, there's nothing here to even remotely suggest there's a case." Sam said after looking at the article and handing it to me to look at. 'Uh,oh! Hopefully they don't get into a fight because I absolutely hate being the middle man! It's like me trying to pick between two of my favorite snacks: Carmel Apple Lollipops or Frosted Flakes? How could you deny either? That's just stupid, they are both delicious-'

"Lyndsey!" Dean shouted waving a hand in front of my face.

"What?" I said, snapping back into reality.

"So?" both boys waited anxiously for my response.

"Yes?" I said, completely unsure of what I just agreed to.

"Great! Were on the road in 10!" Dean said clapping his hands together.'Great! I just agreed with Dean, now Sam's gonna be angry the entire trip there.' I huffed and went back into the motel room to pack what little things that I owned.
*Time skip-- brought to you by "PUDDING!!"*

I was dressed up in my incredibly uncomfortable monkey suit ready to interrogate some hormonal teen-aged girls at this all girls school. 'Great' I thought to myself. Dean's hand brushed against mine and I prayed that he didn't see how reed my face had gotten. Sam apparently had noticed though.

"What was that Lyndsey? Did I just see you blush?" he put his hand on his chest with fake exasperation, gasping.

"I swear to God and all those angel douchebags above, that if you speak a word of any of this to Dean I will make your life a living hell." I poked my finger in his firm chest as I spoke. He shrugged and shook his head.

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