JensenxReader 2 Part Two (???)

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Y/N's P.O.V:

"So, any place in particular you want to visit first?" Jensen asked, looking at you with those gorgeous green orbs.

"Uh, nothing is really coming to mind." You said sheepishly.

"Oh, then I know exactly where to start!" He smiled wildly and pulled you into a huge trailer. He opened the door and greeted the two women who were in there.

"[Y/N], this is our hair and make-up trailer and these wonderful ladies are our make-up and hair experts!" He grinned as he gestured to the glowing women, who were previously cleaning and organizing the make-up and hair products.

"Shannon and Jeannie, this is [Y/N]. [Y/N], this is Shannon Coppin and Jeannie Chow." You shook hands with both women and smiled as they welcomed you with warm hearts and kind eyes.

"Hi, it's great to meet you!" You say to both women.

" Y/N is a new actress on set." Jensen sits down in one of the chairs, gesturing for you to do the same.

"Really?! That's fantastic! We need more girls on set!" Shannon looked excited.

"You're going to love working here!" Jeannie chuckled.

"They'll be doing your hair and make-up for the show. Even though, in my opinion, you're already gorgeous enough to be on camera." Jensen smiled at you and winked.

"You're not too bad yourself, Jensen." You say, blushing from his comment. You look around the room trying to avoid Jensen's eyes and spot a bunch of on a far wall. You stand up and walk towards the wall.

"Y/N?" Jensen asked standing up.

"What are these?" You ask, smiling.

"Oh! Uh, those...Uh, those are, uh..." Jensen stumbles over his words, but Jeannie helps him recover.

"These are lovely pictures of Jared and Jensen's various hair-dos." Jeannie and Shannon started giggling.

"My favorite has to be Jared with the flower nipple." Jensen pointed to one of the pictures and started laughing hysterically.

"Or Jensen's hairspray commercial." Jeannie pointed to another photo, but this one was Jensen with giant. puffy hair. It was your turn to start laughing. Jensen blushes a little and he smiled at you. Your laughing died down a little, but not for long because you found an even funnier photo of Jensen.

"OH! Look, it's twisted sister herself!" You hunched over laughing and grabbed onto Jensen's shoulder for support.

"Hey Jensen, they need you on set." One of the assistant directors said and left.

"I thought you weren't suppose to be on set for another 15 minutes?" You were a little sad that your time was cut short with Jensen. You thought you guys had more time, but apparently not.

"I'm so sorry, [Y/N]! I promise I'll make it up to you!" Jensen hugged Jeannie and Shannon.

"No, it's fine. This is your, well our, job. I understand." Jensen hugged you tightly and then held you at shoulders length with a huge smile on his face.

"What?" You asked

"Come to set with me." His face held fear and excitement.

"Am I even allowed to?" His eyes lit up.

"Of course you are! Why wouldn't you be?!" He grabbed your hand and lead you out of the trailer.

"I don't know, maybe because I'm not filming!" He laughed with his whole body.

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