Study Sessions: Sam X Reader:

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Finals had just started and you were beyond stressed out over them. Everywhere you looked there were textbooks provided by the college and even some that belonged to the Men of Letters too, for good measure. Unfortunately for you though, you still weren't confident enough that you would be able to pass these set of exams that were taking place tomorrow and the day after that. Though the exams were on lore and mythology, you were still completely freaking out over it because no matter how much you knew or how much people reassured you that you were sure to pass, the anxiety didn't subside until the results were in and you knew your grade.

Now, no matter how much you read or re-read an article, the information wouldn't stick in your head. It's not like you could ask the boys for help.

When Dean came by earlier in your venture into the realm of all things lore, he said he was "allergic" to "whatever the hell you're doing". And anyways he has plans today with "his" girl. Her name is Annalise and she was smart, very beautiful, and so kind to almost everyone she came across. At first when Dean told you about his "dream girl" you that it was just that, a dream. You warned him of hidden secrets and told him to be weary. He laughed and said you were being too protective and that he could handle himself perfectly fine. Two dates later and Dean stormed into the bunker scaring the daylights out of poor Kevin and making Sam pull out his gun on impulse. He went straight up to you and gave you a bone crushing bear hug. One in which made Sam a very jealous boyfriend, but when Dean put you down his smile was spread ear to ear. He then told you that that night in question he was going to break-up with Annalise because if things got anymore serious she would be put in danger. So, when they went to a diner and were about to order, Annalise put her menu down and gave Dean the same speech that he was going to give her after dinner. Dean obviously sat Annalise down and later found out that she too was a hunter though she had fewer years of experience under belt because she only got in the game when she was 16 rather than Dean's 4. When you heard that story you then realized why he hugged you. He was prepared for the worst when you told him of the skeletons that might be in her closet, but when it came down to it he had the same ones. He was thanking you. For both caring enough to worry about his well-being and for being over cautious. Sadly, you've never set eyes on this Annalise and frankly, neither did Kevin or Sam. Sam sometimes pokes fun at Dean for it saying that she was imaginary, but Dean always came back with the "But who had an imaginary friend when they were younger?"

You could ask Kevin Tran. Genius and Prophet of the Lord, but he was busy with the demon tablet and deciphering that nonsense like only he and a few other chosen few could. He was getting close to something, so you didn't really want to ruin his concentration and be at fault for the delay in possibly important information on whatever it was he was looking at now.

And if I ask Sam----

"Hey, [Y/N]!" Speak of the Devil. Ouch. No pun intended.

"Hey, Sam." Your exhaustion and desperation must have been evident in your voice because the next thing you knew the loving giant was pulling a chair right next to you and grabbed your hand into his much larger and warmer ones.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? Did I do something?" These Winchesters. Always so quick to blame themselves for anything and everything no matter what it is.

"Shut up, you didn't do anything thing except make me fall deeper in love with you than I already am. It's just these finals that are stressing me out." You could see him un-tense and smile a little before he leaned in and kissed you. Then he pulled away and had a confused look on his face. Now it was your turn to feel insecure.

"What is it?"

"Nothing. Just, why are you stressed out about finals when you're definitely going to ace them like you did your midterms." He said matter-of-factly.

"Well, if I had a study partner like the one I did last time it would help tremendously." You teased. Sam was the one who helped you last time too, luckily before you had a meltdown or worse. You saw his tutoring technique was quite, im-peck-able. Every time you got a question right your very supportive and always giving boyfriend would give you a quick kiss or two depending on the severity of the question.

"Just like before?" He asked picking up your study guide questions.

"Yes, but.."


"But, I think I need a little warm up before we start." You start to lift yourself out of your chair and straddle Sam in his.

"Oh, you think so?" You nodded as you pressed your lips together and they began to move in unison. His hands went on your hips and you started to grind on him. Before it could escalate anymore there was a deep cough and a giggle behind you two. Your lips separated from each other, but you didn't get off of Sam's lap for a very good and long reason. You just wiped around your lips and turned around slightly.

"Hey guys." It was Dean and under his arm was a very good looking women. She had big brown eyes, beautiful hair that was out freely in what seemed to be natural pipe curls. She wore glasses and was wearing a white tank top, blue jeans that hugged her small, but plentiful curves, and a pair of converse. She was hot. Dean's smile was wide and radiant as he waited for you and Sam to take it all in.

"Hi." You said still a little breathless.

"This," he gestured to the women tucked into him.

"Is Annalise. Annalise, this is my younger brother Sam and his girlfriend and my best friend [Y/N]." She smiled and her smile was just as beautiful and radiant as Dean's.

"Sorry to intrude on you guys. Dean just wanted me to meet you guys before I left on my next case." She looked up at Dean and you could tell there was definitely something special between them.

"We've heard a lot about you." Sam said.

"I hope all good things." She chuckled nervously. She was nervous about meeting us. AW!

"Well, we'll let you teenagers continue to go at it while Annalise and I will be civilized adults and do it in my bedroom." Dean smirked and Annalise punched him in the shoulder.

"Good luck on your finals [Y/N]. I know if anything Dean has said about you is true, you'll pass with flying colors."

"Thank you, Annalise. Dean, I love her so much." You said smiling.

"She's a keeper, Dean." Sam inputted.

"I know." He said and looked into Annalise's eyes.

"Alright, well you guys have a good rest of your night." Annalise waved and walked with Dean to his room.

"You too!" You yelled down the hall.

"I like her." Sam said nodding.

"Me too." You agreed.

"Now, where were we?"

"We, were about to start studying." You said climbing off of Sam.

"Fine, but as soon as we're done your ass is mine!"

"Yes, sir."


HEYYYY!!! This is the second update of the week and I am so proud of myself! I hope you guys like this one because I decided to turn this one shot that was originally suppose to be a Dean X Reader one into a Sam X Reader one. And of course I selfishly put myself into my own story again and as Dean's girl so sorry, not sorry. Anyways, thank you for reading this terribly written one shot and lame A/N. I LOVE YOUR FACESSSS!!!




Mrs.Dean Winchester😍😘🌹❤️❣

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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