How You Sleep Together

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Dean: You either spoon or Dean lays on his back and you cuddle into his side, head on his chest, leg draped over his waist, and hand absentmindedly traced shapes on his chest. One of his arms would be on the leg around his waist and the other would be on back.

Sam: You usually face each other and entangle your arms and legs, pulling each other impossibly close. Or you lay on top of him, your head resting in the groove of his neck.

Castiel: You lay your head on his lap and he reads to you, one hand playing with your hair and the other holding the book. He watches you sleep and continues to read to you hours after you've fallen asleep since he cannot.

Gabriel: You let him lay his head on your stomach and comb through his hair. He doesn't fall asleep, but he finds immense pleasure in the simple action. You fall asleep almost instantly.

Crowley: You lay on your stomach, but somehow half of your body overlaps onto Crowley and his arms wrap around you, encircling you with a sense of security.
Heyyy! I thought about doing this preference for a while so yay! Go me for not being super lazy!! Anyways, requests are still open! Thank you!


Mrs.Dean Winchester 😍😘🌹🌹😘

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