Overprotective: Imagine For Brooke

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Brooke's P.O.V:

I slammed the door of the bunker and jogged down the steps trying to get away from Dean.

"Brooke! Where are you going?!"

"I getting away from you! As if that wasn't obvious enough!" I had already turned my back before that look of pain sparked I his eyes at my harsh words. I really didn't mean it though. If I wasn't so angry with his handsome face, I would do literally anything to be in close proximity of him. I've liked Dean since the day I met him on that hunt a few years ago, but somehow they've grown into this huge mess of emotions that I can't get rid of or push down. I just wish that he could just show the slightest bit of interest in me and I thought the fact that he made me stay in the car while he, Sam, and Cas dealt with Crowley was one, but it turns out he didn't want me to go with them because I was a burden during those types of situations.


"Brooke! It's Dean, let me in!" Dean's loud and obnoxious knocking pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Why should I?"

"Because I need to talk to you!"

"Your talking to me right now."

"Alright smart ass. I meant face to face."

"Ugh, fine. It's open!" Dean walked in and stood next to me on my bed.

"Talk. I'm listening." I stood up and crossed my arms, facing that annoyingly gorgeous face of his.

"I'm so sorry, Brooke. I didn't mean what I said. Your not a burden on any type of situation, your actually great during all of them."

"Okay, and?"

"And I the only reason I didn't let you go with us was because..." he looked like he was overthinking something.

"Because what, Dean?" He pulled my face to his and our lips connected and moved perfectly in unison before he rudely pulled away.

"It was because I love you and I didn't want you to get hurt." he laid down on the bed, his back on the mattress, with his hands covering his face. I effectively straddled him and moved his hands away from his face.

"I love you too, but you can be really overprotective sometimes." The look of shock on his face shifted to one of happiness and then to his signature smirk. I bent down and placed my soft pink lips on his plump chapped ones. In mid kiss he flipped me over so I was on my back and he was straddling me.

"But, what kind of guy would I be if I wasn't overprotective of what was his?"

"Oh, so now I'm property?" He grabbed my wrists and held them above my head.

"Not just anybody's property, but mine's and I'm gonna make sure they all know." he leaned down and started biting and sucking every part of my neck.

"Dean! Your gonna give me hickeys!"

"That's the point hot stuff, so everyone knows your mine and only mine." I could feel his grip on my wrists loosen as he got more and more into it, so I used my hips to push him to the side a rushed to straddle him again.

"My turn."

Hey!! I love this one it's not the best thing ever but it's really cute and kind of steamy. Sorry if the steamy part sucked. I really hope you like it though!
Love all your faces!!


Mrs.Dean Winchester😍❤️😍😘😍


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