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~Imagine a fan asking Dean if you (his wife) will ever appear on Supernatural~

"Um...sorry Jared, but my question is for Jensen."

"I can tell this ones gonna be a snooze fest! Excuse me while I take a nap." Jared began to snore into the microphone.

"Shut up! Go ahead."Jensen listened intently to the teenager girl who had a ' The Whistle Makes Me Their God' shirt on.

"Uh...when is [Y/N] gonna come on the show? Because Jared has already had Gen on the show, so your kinda of slacking."Both Jensen and Jared started cracking up, red faces and all.

"Well Jensen...answer the question. When's [Y/N] coming on the show?" Jared turned towards Jensen, gesturing for him to speak.

"Well, I don't know..."

"Jensen, come on! Give us something!" Jared was practically begging him, while the crowd was going wild.

"Why don't you guys just ask her yourselves!" Jensen stands up and goes behind the curtain to get you.

"He's totally going to pay for this." Jared spoke into the microphone.

The crowd broke out into laughter and then cheers as you and Jensen walked out from behind the curtain. Jared stood up and hugged you, lifting you off your feet. Jensen made you sit down in his chair and got a microphone from Robin.

"Hey, you guys!" You said waving to the crowd. Jensen placed his arm around your waist and the crowd went ballistic! Jensen came closer to you and whispered in your ear

"See they like you, and they like us together. You had nothing to worry about." You laughed lightly and raised the microphone to talk again.

"So, I heard that you guys have a great question to ask me.?" Jensen and Jared looked at each. They used there telekinesis and they both thought the same thing. You were doing fantastic with the fans for your first time.

"Yea, um...over here." The teenager girl who had the Dean t-shirt rose her hand to get your attention.

"Oh, okay! What's your question?" You leaned forward in your chair, with Jensen's arm still around your waist.

" Well, Jared's wife was on the show before and I, we were just wondering when you were gonna be on the show?" You chuckled and began to speak.

"Um, I probably need confirmation from the directors and talk with the writers, but I would love to be on the show!" As you said that Jensen's grip on you got tighter and his face light up, as did Jared's.

"I believe I'm intruding their panel, so I'm going to go." The crowd started booing when you started to leave. You hugged Jared and then kissed Jensen goodbye.The crowd screamed and cheered.

"I'll see you back stage." You kissed him again and waved goodbye to everyone. You walked behind the curtain meeting up with Genevieve. She was with Tom,Shep,and your little girl Mary. You hung out with Gen and her kids until the panel was over. Then, You and Mary met Jensen backstage.
Your daughter ran straight towards him as soon as she caught sight of his face.

"Daddy!!" She ran into Jensen's arms and he picked her up.

"Hey sweetheart! Have you been good for mommy?" she nods and smiled at her dad.

"Alright. Since you've been so good, you get to choose what we do tonight." she squealed in delight and Jensen chuckled.

"OOH! Can I go to Uncle Jared's house and you and mommy go on a date?! Can you please daddy?! Pretty please with a cherry on top?!" your daughter was practically begging you two to go on a date. 

"I don't know it's up to mommy." you looked at your daughter, who had the most adorable puppy dog eyes on, and then a Jensen, who had the same ones.

"Pretty please with whipped cream on top mommy?!"

"Yeah, pretty please with whipped cream on top?" Jensen copied your daughter.

"Okay! Just stop looking at me with those eyes!" you chuckled and Jensen pulled you in with his free arm. He leaned down and your lips connected, his lips tasted like coffee, while yours tasted like candy cane chap stick.

"Candy canes?" he asked when he pulled away.

"Yeah, it's the only chap stick I could find before we left."

"I like it. It smells and tastes great!" he went for another kiss, but Mary stopped him.

"Come on daddy we have to go ask Uncle Jared and Auntie Gen if I can sleep over!" you began to laugh.

"Yeah, come on daddy!" you couldn't stop laughing.

"Your gonna regret calling me 'daddy' [Y/N]!" he smirked.

"Will I really regret it?" you winked and Jensen's paced quickened. You laughed and began walking towards Felicia, Kim, Alaina, Samantha, Alona, Misha, Jim, Mark, Richard, Rob, and a few other 'Supernatural' stars.


Sorry about this chapter! It's not my favorite, but it's ok I guess. Anyway I probably won't be posting for awhile since me phone is in an eternal slumber. But I hope this chapter is ok, I know it's a Jensen imagine but I had this really cool idea and I just decided to put this. Hopefully doing this chapter didn't completely make you lose interest in my book. Thank you for reading this horrible chapter and thank you for reading this book! And thank you for reading this poorly written A/N!!




Mrs.Dean Winchester ;) ;) ;) ;)

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