When You're On Your Period

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Dean: When you're on your period Dean likes to actually stay by your side for some reason. He likes to get you candy or pie. He likes cuddling with you under layers of blankets. He loves watching all your crime shows with you while rubbing your back or stomach. He loves watching your mood change so quickly from loving to violent to sad and then back to loving again. He is just fascinated by you during these times because you're, you know, you.

Sam: He's like Dean, but he's not creepily fascinated by you. He loves you in this state because you actually open up to him completely. Both mentally and emotionally. But, when you ask him why he stays by your side through your episodes, he just tells you it's because he loves you.

Castiel: He has completely no idea what the hell is going on during this time. You try and explain it to him each and every time he asks, but he just zaps out. He attempts to help, but he is scared of you when you're like this. Cas is just a lost puppy when it comes to your period, but that doesn't mean he doesn't try.

Crowley: He leaves. He says he has business to handle else where and leaves you to wither in pain by yourself. He sends texts to check on you every now and again, but other than that you don't talk to him.

Gabriel: He's a sweetheart! He gets you all the junk food you need/want, gets all your favorite chick flicks, and tries to keep you happy by doing stuff for you. Hell, he even "bought" you a puppy one time because you were almost gonna cry during Marley & Me. He would do anything to make sure your wrath and waves of emotions weren't directed at him.


HEY!! Second update today!! Feeling up to it and I want to check this off my list of things to do/finish! I could be watching Supernatural, but I wanted to give you guys another update! So here you go!! I love your faces so much and I hope you have a great weekend!!




Mrs.Dean Winchester😍😘🌹💋❤️

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