He Comes To Lay Down With You:

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Dean: You decided to go to sleep early, which was only 12:00 am, while Dean was cleaning his guns. I mean, you REALLY liked seeing Dean clean his guns, but the hunt the three of you just finished was tiring and you could barely keep your eyes open. So, you laid down on the surprisingly soft motel mattress and started to drift off. Before you could completely fall into the lovely abyss, weight was added to the other half of the bed. Mind you, you weren't dating or suppose to be sharing a bed with anyone tonight, so you reached for your gun under your pillow, but a soft and yet calloused hand stopped you.

"Calm down, [Y/N]. It's just me." A sigh of relieve washed over you and you flipped over, so Dean was laying on his back and half of your body was anchoring him to the bed. Of course you were still laying down, half conscious.

"I would ask you what your doing in my bed, but 1. I'm too tired to contemplate anything other than sleep, 2. I'm WAY too comfortable to move, and 3. What respectable woman or man, depending on preference,

doesn't want a hot guy in their bed with them." You burrowed deeper into his side. He was really warm and smelled of the wonderful scent of Abercrombie & Fitch 'Fierce' cologne.

"I would argue that you're more than capable to 'contemplate' everything, but based on your amazing reasoning, especially number 3, I'll let you sleep and we'll talk about it tomorrow." Dean kissed your forehead and wrapped his muscular arms around your fatigued form. You fell asleep shortly after not knowing what to expect the next morning.

Sam: You, Dean, and Sam were driving to a case in Nevada. You guys had been driving for almost 14 hours straight and you could tell Dean was ready to pass out behind the wheel."Hey guys, I think we should stop at a motel soon." Dean jumped at your voice because it broke the complete silence you've all had for the last 100 miles. "Uh, yeah? I think there's a motel off the next exit. You guys were in the middle of Utah and had about 7 hours left in the trip. Sam was asleep in the passenger's seat, lightly snoring. His hair blew in the wind from the opened window. It flicked around wildly, but yet didn't wake the sleeping giant. You stared at the BFG before you, wondering how he wouldn't wake up from the pesky itching of his hair flipping about. While you were inspecting his face for any signs of discomfort, you didn't notice the big brown eyes staring back lovingly at you. You looked up and blushed furiously when you saw the giant watching you. You burrowed into the seat and stared out of the window until you arrived at the motel. When you reached the motel, Sam got out of the car and went to go get all of you rooms. "So, are you gonna tell him or do I have to?" Dean asked not even turning around from his spot. You blushed furiously. " You, nor I, will say anything to Sam about...Sam." You tried to hide yourself from Dean's gaze in the rearview mirror, but ultimately failed. "If you don't tell him by tomorrow, I will." You could see the seriousness in his eyes. The determination and care all wrapped in the beautiful green eyes of your best friend. You had swore him into secrecy after you had told him of your feelings for his younger brother just a few months before. He saw the way you stared at his younger sibling with awe and admiration as he spoke about anything and everything. He also saw your pain when you saw him talk to other women. He wouldn't leave with them, but just him talking to these other women was enough for you to feel like nothing to him. And Dean saw this. He is just looking out for you because he's your best friend and he knows that his brother likes you back. He has tried to get Sam to make the first move, but with you it's much easier to coax/threaten you to do things. Sam came back with only two room keys and it looked like a kind of pep in his step. But, when he was close to the car he put on a sad face and opened the passenger door."They only have one room and it only has two beds." He looked mostly at Dean, but my heart fluttered a little when he looked over at me."Are you sure they only have one room?" Dean asked."Positive." Sam answered quickly. "Alright, I call dibs on sleeping alone."Dean shouted, taking the key from Sam and going towards the room. "You can have the bed [Y/N]." Sam said, a little disappointed. You felt bad for him and not to mention the giant crush you had for, well, the giant. "We can share the bed. I mean if your okay with that." You could feel the redness spreading across your cheeks, slowly, but surely. "I fine with that." "Okay. Well, I'm gonna go to the room before Dean calls dibs on the shower first so.." You said and dashed off towards the room. While you were rushing to escape Sam's gorgeous gaze, Sam was watching you with a smirk splayed out across his face. When you reached Dean you punched him in the chest and huffed. "OW! What was that for?!" "That was for leaving me alone with Sam!" You punched him again in the same spot."What was that one for?!" "That one is for taking the other bed!" "Go take a shower before I call dibs on that too!" You ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. "Over my dead body!" You yelled through the door. You spent around twenty minutes in the shower before Dean came banging on the door saying you were using up all the hot water. You stepped out of the bathroom in your pajamas and put your stuff away. After you Dean went and then Sam. While they were taking there showers, you were watching Psych and scrolling through your dash on Tumblr. You didn't realize how late it was until Sam came out of the shower. "[Y/N], it's like twelve o'clock in the morning, what are you still doing up?" "Waiting for you." Those words made butterflies flutter in Sam's stomach. "Uh, why?" "To ask you if you wanted to share the bed with me. So, do you?" "Um, you sure?" "Samsquatch, listen, you can either sleep on the floor and deal with whatever lives down there or you can nut up and come sleep with a gorgeous woman! Your choice!" You went to the bed and slipped under the comforter. Sam was frozen in fear and surprise. He was afraid he'll scare you off and you would play it off as nothing and he was surprised (and a little turned on) that you had talked to him like that. You in the other hand were freaking it on the inside. You didn't know if you were too mean, if you didn't prove your case well enough, or if you messed up whatever the two of you had by saying that. "I think I'll sleep on higher ground with you." You sighed thankfully as he climbed into bed with you. Both of your backs were turned to the other as you both bid your goodnights. In the morning, you were shirtless and were laying on top of an unconscious Sam. This was going to be a great ice breaker!


HEY!! I have finally finished the 8th grade and I'm now a freshman!! I had my promotion Thursday and gave a very emotional speech, partly because I was crying while I was giving it. But, I've had an amazing school year with my squad/best friends. Hopefully, we'll be together in high school. Anyways, I have a few more imagines and preferences and stuff in my back pocket that I'll probably publish this weekend or sometime soon!! Also, today was the last day of school so it is officially summer!! So, I'll have plenty of time to write requests and hang out with my friends and family! I love you guys so much and thank you for all your support!! Over 5,000 reads!! Thank you guys so much for everything I mean it!! I love all of your faces so much!!!




Mrs.Dean Winchester😍😍😘🌹💋

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