Request Format!!

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Okay, so I don't really need every detail about you, but you know you could still give it to me if you want because no big deal. So what I need for a personal imagine is:

Your name- quite important since, you know it's about you.

Your eye color- so I could make it incredibly dramatic.

Your hair length/color- for dramatic effect.

Your favorite TV show- to end it.

Your favorite snack- needed for ending

Which Character- don't know why I didn't put this one sooner.

Pairing- ,YouxDean, readerxDean, AnnalisexDean, JoxDean, LisaxDean, CassiexDean, but I'm not doing Cassie times Dean because I hate her guts. Don't ask me why it's just when I look at her I just want to slice her head off with a machete and/or a saw like in that one episode were Dean used it to kill that vamp. readerxSam, AmeliaxSam, YouxSam, JessxSam. I don't know just whoever.

What the situation is- like Imagine Dean staying in all day to cuddle with you because your sick and Sam makes fun of him for it because your not dating and he knows you both have feelings for each other.

Anything else- you could tell me anything else you want me to know and put into the imagine.


For a not so personal imagine all need is the situation and then that'll be it.


For preferences:

The situation

All the characters you want to have- like just an angel preference, just a demon preference, just a human preference, all female preference, all male preference, but make sure to add which certain characters you want. Like, Dean, Sam, Charlie, Jo for the all human. Meg, Crowley, Abbadon for the all demons. Cas, Gabe, Gadreel, Michael for all angels. I don't know you pick, dead or not.

Ending- happy, sad, angst, lovey-dovey.

Relationship status- dating, single, married, divorced, friends with benefits.


You guys don't have to follow that exactly, it's just a basic guide to help both you and me. You guys could give me just what's on your mind like your writing it down so you won't forget type of thing. But anyways, thank you for reading this book, I'm a little over 500 reads and that's alot for me. So thank you and request please I'm kinda having difficulties putting what I'm thinking on Wattpad so help would be nice. Thank you and I love all of your faces!!




Mrs.Dean Winchester <3 <3 <3 ;) ;) ;)

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