Siblings and 'SUPERNATURAL': Imagine for Bodhi

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Bodhi's P.O.V:


"BUT DEAN! I'm NOT a little girl anymore!" my stupid older brother Dean doesn't want me a this new case we have in Flint, Michigan.

"It could be nothing! That's why you're gonna stay here and continue inventory on the Men of Letters stuff."

"But Dean-"

"But nothing you're staying here and that's it!" I turned to Sam.

"Sam." I crossed my arms.

"Sam." Dean gave him a glare that could kill.

"I'm not in this!" I held his hands up in surrender.

"Uh, you're no help!" I left the library and headed for my room.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dean called after me.

"To pack for the hunt."

"Oh no you're not! I told you that you're not coming!"

"And your point?" I opened the door to my room and grabbed my duffle. I began to gather the clothes when Dean closed the door. I heard the lock click, indicating Dean locked me into my own room.

"You're not coming on this trip and if that means I have to lock you in your own room, then so be it!" I had a bathroom and clothes in here, but where the hell was I gonna get food.

"DEAN! UNLOCK THIS DOOR!" I banged on the door, but he wasn't budging.

"I'll have Cas pop in and bring you some grub, but other then that your stuck in there until we get back." I could here his footsteps reseeding. I started banging on the door again and shaking the door knob.

"DEAN!! You can't leave me in here!!"

"We'll be back soon, short stack!"

"UHH!" I kicked the door and slid down to the floor, kind of exhausted from all of yelling and arguing with Dean.

"Stupid brothers and there stupid rules and their stupid cars!" I rethought about what I said.

"I can't blame 'Baby' for my brother's stupidity." I got up from the floor and headed for my bed. I grabbed all of my hunting gear and placed it nearby because as soon as Castiel shows up, I'm going to Flint, Michigan.


Time Skip Brought to you by:

Season 1 episode 1 when's first saw my husband Dean Winchester😍😍😍😘

"Easy there Tiger!"


Castiel popped in around 6:00pm at the bunker and I was in Flint, Michigan by 7:00pm. He was very easy to convince. Dean may have Cas wrapped around his finger, but Cas will do anything for his crush's little sister. All I had to do was turn on the waterworks and tell him "I just want to be there for them like they've been there for me. I know they're trying to protect me but I wanna protect them too. On countless occasions they both have died, sometimes even at the same time. I just want to make sure I can do as much as I can to make sure that doesn't happen again because I love them and I don't want anything to happen to them." I mean it's all true, but I still felt a little guilty about it. I knew where they were staying so I decided to stay across the street and since I didn't have a car, they won't know I'm even here. But then I remembered, Dean has Cas wrapped around his finger...

Dean's P.O.V:


Sam and I were in our room, he was checking the case out on his laptop and I was cleaning my guns. I was worried about Short Stack. Her, Sam, and Annalise are all I have left and I don't want to lose either of them. I just hung up with Annalise a few minutes ago and she's on a hunt in Kansas. She said she would check on Bodhi for me and in return I would buy her a new gun, maybe a little something extra too. I smiled and chuckled at the thought of Annalise. Her beautiful brown eyes, her soft brown hair that would more than likely be in a ponytail, her badass personality, her-"

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