Twisted Tuesday: Imagine For Marianna

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Marianna's P.O.V:
"Marianna...." Dean whispered, kissing my shoulders and jawline. I was half-asleep and had no plans of waking up anytime soon.

"Marianna..." his breath tickled the back of my neck.

"I'm sleeping." I said flipping over onto my back.

"But Marianna!" He whined climbing on top of me. I opened one eye and looked at him, waiting for an explanation as to why he has woken me up.

"But what?" I said. He just bent down and kissed me.

"What was that for?" I asked when he pulled away.

"Nothing, I just wanted to kiss you. Do you have a problem with that Mrs.Winchester?"

"Not at all, Mr.Winchester." He leaned down and started to kiss me again.


"MARIANNA!" I shot straight up in my bed and aimed the gun that was under my pillow at the perpetrator.

"Woah! Woah! It's just me, Marianna! Put the gun down!" I put the safety back on the gun and placed it back under my pillow.

"What the hell Dean! You just woke me up from an amazing dream!" I yelled.

"Was it about me?"

"WHAT!!NO!!" I covered my face with my hands.

"It was about me." He said, smirking.

"What do you want Dean."

"It's ok to have dreams about me Marianna. Don't be ashamed, a lot of women do." he leaned against the door frame crossing his arms.


"Did we have sex?"


"Did we have sex in your dream?" He was having too much fun with this.

"Oh yea. More than once too." He looked at me wide eyed.

"Really?" He asked. I threw a pillow right at his face.

"Of course not perv!" He chuckled in return.

"It's ok to have naughty dreams Marianna," he started to walk towards me.

"Especially if there about me." by this time I was on the edge of my bed. He stopped in front of me and grasped my chin with his thumb and pointer-finger. I stared into those beautiful green eyes of his and I couldn't take it and with a sudden burst of confidence I moved closer to him so our lips were just touching as I spoke.

"What are you waiting for?" I challenged. He grabbed the sides of my head and our lips began to mingle passionately.

"DEAN! MARIANNA! I FOUND US A CASE!" Sam shouted from somewhere in the bunker. Dean sighed, but still didn't pull away. I hesitantly pulled away and placed my hands on his chest.

"To be continued?"

"To be continued." Dean pecked my lips one last time, obviously upset about us being interrupted.

Time skip brought to you by:
"I lost my shoe."
"Aw, honey!" (HIMYM)

"So, Wichita?" Sam asked looking back at Dean and I.

"I don't know, I'm not a big witch fan. Spewing their bodily fluids everywhere, it's just not right."

"I'm game." I got up from my chair and went to go pack my duffle.

"See you at the car in 10!" I yelled from the hallway.

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