You Get Arrested With Him

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"Hey, you ever use these handcuffs for any other occasions?" Dean groaned as the female cop tightened the cuffs on his wrists.The male officer that was arresting you, leaned you over the trunk of the squad car.

"So, you not much of a talker are ya?" He asked while putting on your cuffs.

"I know my rights, Jackass."

"Well, speaking of asses, the view looks good from back here." the lady cop sighed, and you shuddered in disgust. The guy was in his 40's and looked like Dumbledore...eww.

"Hey, perv! Can you just arrest me before I puke." You looked over to Dean, his jaw was clenched and his knuckles were extremely white.

"You don't want to have a little fun first?"the cop caressed your cheek and Dean snapped.

"Hey, dickhead! Get away from her! You friggin' touch her again, I swear on everything I love, I will rip your lungs out!!"the male cop chuckles.

"In case you didn't notice tough guy, your in cuffs.Now where were we..."he slid his hands down your sides and stopped at your hips.

"STOP!!"you shouted trying to move out of his grip. Dean had enough, he managed to uncuff himself and cuff the lady cop to the squad car.

"Hey asshole!"the cop turned around and Dean's fist connected with his face. The male cop was face down in the dirt, the female cop was struggling to get free of the her restraints.

"[Y/N], are you ok?"he rushed over to you and started helping you undo the cuffs.

"I'm ok."you rub your wrists to bring back circulation.

"Good, because I don't know what I would do to myself if you ever got hurt."Dean looked down at his feet and shoved his hands in his pockets. You could see that he was racking his brain about something, but you hadn't the simplest idea.

"Listen Dean, I am pretty damn sure that nothing could ever hurt me as long as your by my si-" you didn't even finish your sentence before Dean lips were on yours. It took you a second to react,but as soon as you did Dean pulled away.

"I think we should go before they call the 5-o on us again." Dean walked back to the impala,while I was handcuffing the perv to the side of the car.

"[Y/N]! Let's go!" Dean shouted from the drivers seat. You gave the male cop one good kick to the balls and ran to the impala. As you slid in the passenger's seat and barely closed the door, Dean started driving.

"What the hell!? I know you want to get out of here but can I get in the car before you speed off!"Dean didn't respond, he just kept his eyes on the road. This was going to be an awkward ride back to the bunker.

You and Sam had gotten into a bar fight due to a douche bag getting a little too handsy with you. Sam doesn't regret it at all, while you on the other hand were incredibly upset about the entire situation. You would expect this to happen with Dean, not Sam. Sam was the more level-headed of the two boys, so why was he acting like such a hot-head? You and Sam were just bailed out by Dean, you were still incredibly pissed and everyone could see it. You stormed off to the impala, leaning against the car waiting for the boys to catch up. Dean gave you a small smile and got into the driver's seat. Sam didn't even look at you, he just walked to the passenger's side and got in the front seat. You huffed and got in the backseat. The drive was dead silent, Dean didn't even turn on his music and the tension in the car was so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. When you finally made it out of the bunker you basically jumped out of the car before it could even come to a complete stop. You stormed into the bunker, slammed the door, and went into your room. You decided to take a shower since you had to spend the night in that disgusting holding cell, you grabbed all of your stuff and went into the bathroom. When you came out about 15 minutes later, Dean was sitting on your bed waiting for you. 

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