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Alice had me go on a hunt with her, just her and I. Jasper and the others were at the house. Well, almost everyone. The Volturi were to stay at their own encampment they made far enough not to upset the wolves but close enough to be near to us of course. Alice had gone over the plan with me. Only my mind would be safe enough from Aro. I of course had to do the last moments work on my own. Alice told me this was the only way, the clearest path to a future for Jasper and I. However I felt there were some things she was withholding from me. I trust Alice so I'm not going to push. Not everything is best to know of what is to come. Still I am worried, how many of us will come back?

I walked into the house and up to the second story where the living room is. The others were holding and hanging onto their significant other. Jasper was sitting on the couch waiting for me reading A Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. He put down the book the moment he saw me. "I see Alice bought you another outfit," He stated as he smirked at me with that sideways tilt I loved so much. "Yeah, she got it apparently while she was in Paris, France." He nodded, "Bet it cost a pretty euro to." I sighed, "Don't remind me. Knowing Alice and her taste I'm certain it wasn't on clearance...if they have that if France." Jasper laughed as he pressed his chest to my back and engulfed me in his arms. "But it suits you well ma'am." Curse him and that accent of his, I thought.

Tomorrow would be our final day of peace, quiet, and all together under this one roof before the battle tomorrow. I wished it would never come but it's inevitable. Tonight While Jasper is out hunting with Emmett and Rosalie I have one final call to make. All I can do is hope for a happy ending, just like the ones in the storybooks my Mom use to read to me as a child. The stories where everyone had a happy ending to look forward to after everything. I don't believe in fairytales, but for Jasper I'm willing to try. I don't know what will happen completely or a guarantee it will play out like I am hoping. I can only cross my fingers and hope, wait for the best outcome. I only hope we all come home.


I know you guys have been waiting for so long but what I'm about to tell you will make it all worth your wait. This story is drawing almost to its end. The final show down is around the corner and it will be my biggest climactic chapter. However, there will be a shocking ending that you guys I hope will not see coming...someone important...is gonna die. That's all you gonna get from me. Working on the final chapters now and hope to publish them very, very soon. And no this time you guys won't be waiting months.

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