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{𝔼𝕕𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕕 ℙ𝕆𝕍}

Ever since I left Bella I've been in a state of numbness. But that's all I have felt. Its almost an indifference to the whole matter. Why do I feel like this? I thought mates felt excruciating pain from the pull when separated. But I felt nothing like that since the day I left. But some dark, twisted part inside of me feels satisfaction and that alone frightens me more than anything. This is why I had to stay away from her. That something dark inside of me, strong and vile deep inside of myself wanted to drink her dry. But that isn't possible anymore. Bella is locked up somewhere after losing her mind and her family died because of a crazed gunmen. That's what people in Forks have been saying, thinking. Her whole family had been killed, tortured and Bella witnessed the whole thing and was tortured. But the vile thing inside of me feels angry because it will never have her sweet blood.

I pulled into the long driveway that lead up to the Whitlock Ranch. I've never been here before and still didn't want to come here. Carlisle and Esme had insisted that we all come and see if they have heard from or seen Jasper. This is probably where he has been hiding at since he ran off from our house in Alaska after Alice and his divorce. No one had seen that coming, not even me. Alice had been shifting her thoughts around. Now she isn't with us either. She disappeared off, but at least we get calls from her every now and then. Jasper hasn't made any attempts to contacting us since he ran off. Esme was worried but I wasn't. I never really cared for Jasper. The way he stared at Bella made me edgy. At first I put it off as blood lust, but it became obvious to me it was something more.

Emmett jumped out of his grey jeep with Rosalie following right beside him. Carlisle helped Esme out of his black Mercedes. I walked alone from my silver Volvo. Thoughts running through my mind, I was alone again. Emmett had Rose, Carlisle has Esme. But I'm the one who stands on my own, always on my own.

For several years I have emotionally drifted from everyone. They felt less like family and more like acquaintances. But things were constantly changing between them and I. Carlisle didn't see eye-to-eye with me anymore. Esme has kind of pulled away from me since I ran off to parts unknown to everyone for a needed break. Emmett doesn't interact with me much; no video games, wrestling challenges or dirty jokes. Rosalie even seems to be giving me more of the cold shoulder than usual. Everyone seems in some way or another to be blaming me for Bella's suffering. That's okay. I can bare that burden.

{ℙ𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℙ𝕆𝕍}

As soon as that head of copper penny douchbag hair popped up into my line of sight I had to fight every instinct inside of myself to not go and rip his prissy ass mother fuckin' head off. Char's hold on my hand is literally the only thing keepin' me from goin' over there and killin' that mind readin' pencil dick bitch. The doctor came up to the front porch with his mate by his side with one arm wrapped around her waist. Esme's caramel hair and soft smile automatically gave her away as the motherly figure of the group. Carlisle's gentle nature and soft disposition gave truth that he is a doctor through and through. But bitchward, his glarin' eyes and arrogant attitude gave you the impression that he thought he was better than anyone in the room. He was full of himself, prissy and prancin' around like a regal ass peacock fannin' its feathers out for show. He was the kind of guy most people hated; the one who killed a good mood in the blink of an eye. Yeah, that was Edward for sure.

Rosalie was hangin' near Emmett's jeep, waitin' in the background. Emmett was bouncin' around in his usual excitement and Rosalie was tryin' not to smile at his antiques. As usual that failed. "Hello Peter, Charlotte. How are the both of you?" Charlotte smiled slightly knowin' of Carlisle's carin' nature. "We're fine doc. However, I do not feel that ya'll came this far out just ta see how we're doin. What is the problem we can help ya with?" Edward snorted from behind them, leanin' against a tree. "You are quite right I'm afraid. We are looking for Jasper and were wondering if either one of you have seen him." Char glared at Edward when he started to stare at her hard. Fuckin' mind rapist prick. "No. We haven't seen him since he last visited us with Alice. Damn pixie wouldn't stop complainin' about goin' home the whole time she was here. She rather ruined Jasper's stay with us." Carlisle nodded. "I apologize for Alice's rude behavior but right now I am more concerned on the matter of where he might have gone off to. You see Alice and him had a bit of a...disagreement and they are no longer together as of present. However he left without leaving us with any knowledge of where he has gone to. We know not if or how long he seeks to be away. But I only wished to talk with him and try to help him." I was so tempted in that moment to scuff at Carlisle's remark. He acts like Jasper truly is a child. That's indeed a fault with Carlisle that I do not favor. He believes these vampires that play children to his coven disguise to actually be 'his' children. Jasper is no child and neither is lil bit. It's sad to think how such a kind man like Carlisle can easily be fooled by his own eyes.

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