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Bella walked at a human pace as she crossed the lawn of Emily's place. She opened the screen door and it swung with a loud clack behind her as she walked on into the kitchen. "Hey Bella, your back," Quil states as he hopped off the kitchen counter away from Emily who was lightly hitting him with a dish towel. "Yeah, hey have you seen where Sam went?" Quil shrugged his shoulders but Embry nodded. "I think he went to Jake's place. Talked about him being reluctant to wake up for morning patrols. Took Paul and Jared with him. I'll take ya." Bella nodded her thanks. Embry ran her out the door and started heading to Jacob's house.

In the backyard Sam, Paul and Jared were emerging from the trees

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In the backyard Sam, Paul and Jared were emerging from the trees. Bella fast pace walked her way across the grass with a heavily breathing Embry following behind trying to catch up. "Sam, I need to talk to you." Sam nodded and gave Paul a glare while Paul glared at Bella. "We were on our way to make sure Jacob is awake. It is his turn to patrol our southern border. We can talk as we walk." But Bella shook her head. "Sam I'm sorry but this has to be quick and now." Paul kept looking back and forth between Sam and Bella, his jaw locked and stiff. "What is it Bella," Sam asked now a tad on guard. "I'm leaving to somewhere for a while. Possibly a week, maybe two at the most. I just wanted to let you know just in case you need to find or get a hold of me." Sam seemed like he wanted to ask her more but instead kept silent and just nodded. "All right, but the rules still stand even if its you Bella. Just try to stay out of danger." Bella smiled, "I'll try but don't know how when it always seems to find me." Paul seemed on edge, angry even. "Your leaving with that Cullen leach, or whatever it goes by aren't you?" Sam placed a hand on Paul's chest. "Paul, enough!"Sam stated in a loud and clear authority filled voice. But Paul wasn't calming down. "No! She's running off with one of those sick leaches. You know he is the newest to the animal diet. It's hard for him to control his thirst. He'll drag her down the wrong path Sam. He will make her one of those human drinkers. I'd rather see her as ashes before that happens!" And at those last words his clothes ripped from his body and out came the and large wolf body of Paul. He growled and snapped his large teeth together at Bella as she backed away. Forgetting all together she was a fast and strong vampire at that moment.

By then the sounds had already attracted the attention of a still groggy Jacob. He shouted to Bella, jumped off the back porch over the railing and shifted in a flash. He plowed Paul through a bush and they fought their way into the cover of trees. Bella still sat there stunned but her senses returned to her and she ran. She made it without barely a backwards glance over the border and straight across the creek bed to the Cullen's old house. Jasper was outside in the blink of an eye. "Bella, are ya alright darlin'? I could hear a commotion and felt an intense anger all the way from inside the garage?" Bella breathed a unneeded sigh of relief. "Just a little trouble with Paul but Jacob took care of it for me. Jasper nodded. "Bella, I kind of have a problem." Bella looked at Jasper. "Please tell me it isn't something too bad." Jasper chuckled and shook his head. "Its not too bad. Its my truck. Darn thing won't turn over. We may have to take yours instead." Bella smiled. "That's okay. I'll just put my stuff in my truck so we can go. Just put your stuff in the backseat." Jasper looked on at her kind of gloomy. "You're not still drivin' that piece of junk are ya?" Bella snorted. "One, don't dis my old baby. Second, no. That beautiful truck is now a pretty decoration in a junkyard. But I do have a Ram pickup truck with four doors." Jasper felt relieved at the thought of not being stuck inside her slow and old truck.

He went inside and grabbed his small bag of bare necessities, threw it in and hopped into the passenger seat since Bella already had her butt planted in the driver seat. Bella flipped on the radio and turned on her XM radio and tuned it to the 50s on 5. Johnny Preston's song, Running Bear played through the speakers. Revving her truck to life Bella pulled it into drive and circled around the U-turn until she was off down the long driveway and shooting for the main highway. Even with the windows not rolled down she could still make out the sounds of wolves howling off in the distance. All she could think of was, sorry Jake.

Word count: 858

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