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Bella's amber/orange orbs stared into my golden ones. "Jasper, what are you doing?" She looked at me worried. I could feel my emotional wall breakin'. The dam inside myself crackin' and fallin' apart. Before I knew it I found myself on my knees and my hands were graspin' either side of my head. My mouth was open in a silent scream that wouldn't be heard. The pain in my chest was still strong and burnin'. But I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me. A pair of hands grabbed the wrists of my hands and pulled them away from my face. When I pulled at my hair, hoping that the pain inside me would lessen. But those other hands refused to let these things happen. When I looked up I saw that they belonged to Bella, these were her hands. The wolves had surrounded Bella and I in a circle. All of them standin' in shorts and ripped jeans. Only the girl was wearing a shirt. A girl I had not seen among the pack before. "What is wrong with him?" the girl asked. "He is having an emotional breakdown Leah. He is hurting. We have to do something Sam. I can't leave him here like this!" Sam nodded. "Carry him to Emily's place. But no matter what don't let go of him Bella. No telling what he'd do in this state. I don't want Emily or anyone else getting hurt." So there I was, being carried away in Bella's arms across the creek bed and over the treaty line.

I was mentally drained. I also admit to feelin' to some small degree of humiliation. Every one of the wolves had seen me in my weakened moment. Bella sat down with me still in her arms on the stairway at the corner end of the kitchen. She wouldn't let me up. It made me feel awkward and sort of like a child. She kept rubbin' my back in an attempt to comfort me. Even though bein' held like this I felt weak, vulnerable, I didn't want to get up either. I for once felt a rare sense of fear, afraid to be alone and be left within this turmoil.

After some time passed I'd finally calmed myself down. I had pulled all of the scattered pieces of my emotional dam back into place. I was no longer sittin' on Bella's lap, but her arms were still wrapped around me, one hand was combin' its way through my honey blond curls while the other wrapped itself at my waist. "Its okay Jasper." I tried to bury my face into her hair and ignore everythin'. The burnin' in my throat and lungs calmed as I smelled Bella's sweet scent. She smelled of the open strawberry fields down by the back of my families old farm house growin' up in Texas. The sweet smell of them ripe fillin' the air, mixin' with the fresh scent of an early Spring rain. "Jasper what happened? " Something inside me told me I could trust her. Even though I knew it would hurt. To admit that she left. " It...it hurts." She nodded, "Its okay. Take all the time you need." I took a deep breath as she rubbed my back in soothing circular motions. "Its okay. Take your time," she repeated. I nodded. "It began after we left. Edward had told us you wanted us to leave. He said you ended the relationship. He said you were afraid of me. That seein' two dangerous vampires up close made you see the light of how dangerous vampires are. At first, I didn't believe him. But, when Alice backed him up, saying you would be fine and move on. I tried to convince them to stay because of the dangers of Victoria. Edward said you would be fine. Goin' on to tell us how Victoria wasn't that attached to James from what he had read in her mind. But now that I see you it shows all the more that all he told was lies." Bella flinched in such a human way but told me to go on. " Well, we stayed in our home not to far from the Denali coven in Alaska. All except for Edward. He left to parts unknown and only calls in once a month or so to Carlisle or Alice. But as the months went on I noticed a change in Alice. She started pullin' away from me. We wouldn't kiss, touch or be alone together like we use to. She would leave the room sometimes completely when I entered or would go huntin' with someone else, even by herself. But it wasn't until last week did the situation really hit home. You see, I walked in and saw her packin' her bags. At first I thought her and I were goin' somewhere, like Emmett and Rose had, to escape. When she told me I wasn't comin' with her. She decided then and there in front of everyone to tell me that she was done. I tried everythin' to change her mind. I begged her to stay, tellin' her I could change. I promised to work really hard on my blood lust. None of it worked. She ignored everythin' I said, picked up her bags and walked out the door. In the end the result didn't change. I still received a sealed large envelope full of divorce papers set with another tucked away inside for me to send them to my attorney, J. Jinks. The word goodbye left her lips so easily. That did more damage than any torture I think ever could. After that I ran. I ran really without a single thought of where I was going. It could have been anywhere and I wouldn't have care. But somehow I ended up back in front of that house. The one place I wished never to see again. The place that had ripped hope like a rug right out from under me."

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