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He leaned away from her as far as possible but it didn't deter her from biting him for his defiance. "The more and more you resist, the worse your punishments shall be," she whispered into his ear with a gleeful tone of mockery embedded within its roll of the tongue voice. She pushed off the wall and away from him over to another male who kept his presence as unnoticed as possible. He felt uncomfortable in his sires presence. Her swaying, seductive hips and plump lips he knew held nothing but deception and cruelty. "Now as I was saying the plan will be set into motion soon enough. The premonition pixie will not know of our coming quick enough as it is. The Volturi soon after I get what I want will be next to fall. If both sides however were to meet and merge...then I have a 'special' present for them all. Its as simple as that. I think it is best you accept your fate. She has been lost to you and your wish is simply impossible for even myself to grant you." Edward looked around the room before him. It was a second story office in a rather nice house. The owner had been a contractor who had died when Maria had set her sights on the place. It was secluded, no houses or neighbors to speak of for miles around in the part of Oklahoma it resided. The desert and its expanse could be seen stretched out outside of the large window that resided behind the desk and office chair Maria had planted herself. "I know this...but it doesn't mean that I cannot get some justice out of this. That girl took everything from me, used me for her agenda and then just cast me aside for someone I once came close to thinking of like a brother. I was denied my freedom, my life and family since the moment she stepped across my path. Alice's determination to meet Bella didn't help. She insured my downfall and heartbreak just the same. They made sure I'd never get what rightfully belonged to me. Bella was mine, not his!" He slammed his fist down onto the desk leaving a deep dent and the sound of splintering wood its surface lay beneath his fisted palms. Maria looked on at the desk in distaste at its damaged state. "Well that is a thing of the past. She WAS yours but you ran away and left her free for anyone's claim. It was YOUR control that you had let get in the way of your prize. Revenge may be your mission but do not let it interfere with my objective. The Major shall be mine once more whether you like it or not. If you die in the fight than it is you who pays the price of your choice. It matters not to me if you life or die. If you die the girl will become my instrument, my collar sealed upon him that shall never leave my hold on his life, it shall be unbreakable as long as I have her under my finger. Do your best to fight, try as you will but you are on your own." Edward nodded, Maria had been reminding him over and over again of her opinion of him. It pissed Edward off thinking of how uncaring she was to his cause. He was filled with regret with his decision to come to her for help, thinking of the Volturi but knowing that it wouldn't have work as staying with Maria and her growing army of newborns. They almost had enough numbers for the upcoming storm. Edward doubt his survival but that didn't matter to him anymore. He'd fall down to the depths of Hell...for that path he felt certain and had already made up his mind with so surely. However, if he was going down in flames then he meant to take Bella with him.

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