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Jasper's fist went through the passenger side window and the glass shards went flying. I had to grab ahold of his hands before he could punch the dashboard and set off the airbag. "Gosh damn mother fuckin' son of a bitch! Peter I'm gonna fuckin' hang your immortal ass up from on top of the empire state building this time! Why is it, every time I try to rebuild, ta escape that crazy Hispanic bitch that she pops up and decides ta ruin everything?!" Jasper's head was resting in between his hands that rested on his knees. "I know. I didn't ask for any of this either Jasper. Its not like I asked for her to come along for the fun of it though!" I knew Jasper wasn't blaming me for all of this craziness. However, somewhere in my insecure emotional ways that the old Bella use to be full of I felt as if he was, as if he was pointing his finger at me and saying that I was to blame for all of this. I was about to throw open the door and just walk away, clear my mind and get away but Jasper grabbed me and pulled me into him. "I'm sorry darlin', please...d..don't leave me. I just...I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at the idea of losing you. I've worked so hard Bella, so hard ta have some scrap of a feelin' of normal, a human sort of life. To have a chance at being with the woman I love and live a happy, peaceful life together without the constant fear hanging over us both. I didn't want you ta get scared and just decide that I'm not worth all of the fight." I held Jasper's head close to my unbeating heart. "I know. We'll get through all of this somehow Jasper. I don't plan on walking away from this, from you." Jasper sighed, taking deep and emotionally needed breaths to calm himself. "I'm sorry Bella for flippin' out on ya like that darlin'. You don't deserve my anger, only my love and trust. I just...I just don't want ta see you sufferin' or goin' through the same things I suffered through. I couldn't bare the thought of Maria hurtin' you in the ways she has done to others, to me. I never want you to l experience the things I have endured over sixty years ago plus the eighty years worth added on top of that. Its not for the faint of heart nor the kind hearted like yourself. I know you're strong love...but not for the things she would do." Bella's eyes widened with worry at Jasper's words. "Even so Jasper I won't let you go through any of this alone. Neither of us will be alone. We will be together every step of the way. I'm not going anywhere.

We walked around the outside of the old house, the scorch marks left from where the house burned are still there on the ground. Jasper crouched down, seeing something glimmer slightly in the poor moonlight. It was a bracelet, the one Jasper remember Bella wearing often at school. Only barely noticeable singe marks blimished its surface of silver. In the center sat a turquoise stone. Jasper handed it to Bella. "My mom had given me this before I moved here to Forks." The look of anguish on her face was almost too much for Jasper, let alone the sadness and longing that emanated from her. It almost brought Jasper down to his knees. He held her close to him, kissing the crown of her head as she weeped dry tears. "I maybe can't bring them back for you Bella, but I can with hope be the family they would think that you deserved in life. Peter can be the annoying brother, Charlotte the caring sister. We can be your new life, your new happiness that I know you need, deserve." Bella looked at Jasper with a small smile. "I only wish that Emmett and the others...other than fuckward could have been a part of it to. I miss them. I even miss the ice queen, Rosalie." Jasper nodded, "I miss them to. Maybe in time we can give them a chance, let them explain why they did what they had done to you, to me." Bella nodded. "We better get going darlin' the sun is risin' and I got a certain know-it-all to call up and cuss out." Bella laughed knowing if it wasn't for them being on the other side of the state that Jasper would have been doing more then that to Peter. "So, you were speaking of a gift ya have darlin'. What gift could you possibly have that would bein' such unwanted attention?"


I'm so sorry for this being late plz dnt kill me!

I've been dealing w/ college and the evil stuff called homework and deadlines.

Plz still luv this and keep reading.

If you like it let me knw, I enjoy being given advice and guidance to make this better for everyone to enjoy.

Thank you :)

Enjoy the cliff hanger, lol. <3

Word Count:871

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