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(A/N) Still dnt own Twilight folks. But its never to late to dream. *flies away becuz just the awesome #theshizness. Enjoy ;P

(𝕁𝕒𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕣 ℙ𝕆𝕍)

I was in my study after Garrett and I both had just laughed away at Peter's humiliation. The sad part, we sort of talked him into doin' something' stupid. What's worse, Bella tellin' Char, and since I'd never raise my hand to a lady, my wrongs were all but kicked into my ass and beating' into my head. But I wasn't the only one who was made to suffer. Garrett was sufferin' right along with me.

Bella was upstairs tryin' to get ready. Peter had decided at the moment to drag us all out for fun at the swimmin' hole we had by chance come across when I had taken Peter's game and ran out the backdoor. Before I knew it I had almost fell in, then Peter came flyin' like a bat out of hell. We both went for our first swim in the hot spring. And it definitely wasn't the last for certain. We would go back there from time to time for a relaxing swim. The temperature almost making my skin feel human again from the hot waters clinging to me. When Bella came downstairs with a giggling Char down and through the door to the backyard. She was simply stunnin'. Just as stunnin' as she looked in the first rays of the rising sun. How it shined within her hair, showin' the highlights of red that accented it. Her melted, warm molten gold doe eyes starin' up at me. I could feel the emotions from her. The lust and awe that poured from her. I knew she was starin' at me. And somewhere deep inside of myself, I kind of liked it. The fact she was lookin' at me. Admirin' me, checkin' me out and growin' lusty because of me. It made me feel warm inside. A burnin' warmth that just seems to be grown the more I'm around her.

When we reached the hot springs Peter dived like the maniac he is right on into the water. Char just shook her head at his antics. Garrett was pulling down his pants until he wore nothin' but his trunks and followed right behind Peter in his rush. Bella was laughin'. But Peter decided to take his antics another step further by pickin' Bella up and jumpin' right on in with her in his arms. I had to suppress a growl. For some reason, I didn't like the thought nor act of any man besides myself touchin' her. No one touches our mate. Mine! My world froze over. My mind was blank. I couldn't think. Lucky I don't need oxygen because I don't think I was breathin'. Mate. Did you just say mate major? I could hear him purrin' inside me. Yes. She is our mate. She is ours. So don't let 'im touch 'er! To say I am shocked is an understatement. How can this be? How can Bella be my mate? For years I thought Alice and I were mates and then she leaves me. We never were allowed around her enough to know. But she is our mate. Now go claim soon what is ours, or I will do it myself! I looked over at the hot springs and saw Peter with a 'I know all' shitty smile on his face. He hopped on out and came over to me. "Told ya Jay that the girl was ya key ta happiness. Now, later Char, Garrett and I are goin' huntin', talk to her then man. You'll be much more happier if ya do." Then he ran off and cannonballed straight back into the hot springs. The Major was eggin' me on, tellin' to do as Peter said. So I guess I had no choice say in the matter. If Bella really is my mate, and Peter says things will be okay in the end then I gotta believe him. After all, he ain't called the all knowin' Yoda for nothin'. But there is a few other things I need ta know as well. Like, did Alice know about this? Is that really the reason she left? The other, I knew I have been feeling' strange emotions from Garrett and Bella. They are both hidden somethin'. And Bella has been keeping' stuff from me. I feel guilt, sorrow so strong it 'bout put me on my knees and rage. But fear is another. Maybe when I get the chance I can speak with her, give her a chance to lay down all her cards. Then maybe we can figure out 'bout this being mates thin' together. Because the last thin' on my list I need right now is to be broken again. I've been used too many times. I don't want to be a foolish, dangling' puppet again. I'm not a toy. I am a soldier. I am Jasper Anthony Whitlock. I am a vampire yes, but it doesn't mean that I don't feel. I don't like being used. I prefer to be as happy, carefree and fun lovin' as I once was when I was a human. Before Maria and the war. Before my life became so damn confusin'. Of course I know I have developed some sort of feeling' for Ms. Swan, but it don't mean I will fully surrender and hand myself over to her. It's hard for me to trust. It took Peter several years to wear me down towards a full on friendship. Even more years tell he became my venom brother. I even had to learn to trust Char. It is took Alice five years to get me ta trust her with being' close to me. Twenty-three to trust her with the stocks I had. But I did give people a chance. But for some reason, I feel like I could trust Bella right off the bat. Her emotions were different from any girl I had ever came across. They were so warm and caring. She was shy and worried more 'bout others. She is selfless. She would give the last red cent in her pocket to help a stranger in need. She just rubs me as that kind of a person. That's why I liked her being' at the house. The only drawl back was everyone's blood lust. As she said, their hunger did effect me. It build up my own until it became almost indistinguishable from my own. Then only reason I truly avoided her because she was always around Edward. His lust for her blood was the worst. It made it hard just ta be in the same room with him and her there together. If he wasn't around I might have been...fine. Then I felt it, anger. A deep anger inside me. That birthday party incident wasn't my fault. It was the fuckin' mind rapist Edwards. If it wasn't for him lustin' for Bella's blood so bad she wouldn't have gotten hurt. That and every time her parents are brought up she shuts down. Somethin' more must of happened. Somethin' she ain't telling' me. What truly did happened to her while we were gone and forced to leave by the mind rapist?

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