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{𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕒 ℙ𝕆𝕍}

The hunt, just us two alone out in the open forgetting the chaos that has been spread out before us. I had confessed to Jasper everything. No longer could I find it in me to hide anymore secrets from him. Worry still hangs over us like the clouds of Forks, Washington, but some day those clouds have to part. I felt in some way for myself that they had begun to when Jasper came back to Forks, to me.

The wolves were on understanding terms, well all except Jacob who was upset to say the least. Leah was reluctant but in the end she came around I believe because of how Jasper treats Seth. Sam keeps Paul who is against the idea of Jasper and I in check. He keeps saying saying Jasper will change me for the worse. In time I hope he sees how wrong he was to assume such a thing. Jasper is my guiding hand.

Our love while hunting had become a bit careless and we got carried away. We soon found ourselves laying in bliss on the soft earth beneath our bare flesh. I was wrapped up in his arms laying in complete contentment. If only like ourselves this moment could live into forever. Soon we'd have to gather what's not too damaged of our clothes, get dressed and return to a hopefully cleaned house. Esme and Carlisle should be returning later on tonight with the rest if their things. Slowly the family I cherished would be together again in the Cullen house. I just wish things coukd have happened differently. I wish Jasper and I could have been together right from the beginning. It made me feel as if I had torn their famiky and world apart. Jasper looks over at me as if he can read my mind; wouldn't that make bitchward envious? "I want you to get whatever has you downing and feeling ashamed of out. What were you thinkin' of darlin'?" He asked as he held me close to himself. "I was thinking of how I seem to tear things apart. How I feel like I haven't changed that trait of my human nature. I have a habit of messing things up for everyone around me, even now as a vampire that hasn't changed about me." Jasper pulled my chin up so I had to look him in the eyes, "you didn't mess anything up Bella. Those things that happened would happen with or without your interference. Alice would have left me either way. Edward would in time have left for one reason or another. The family would have left and either way I'd have still ended up back here and with you. You just made things come ta light that would have stayed in the shadows for far too long. I one thing for certain, as long as I am with you, no matter where life leads or attacks be taken or things I may lose along the way. As long as I have you I will always have a home." If I could blush I'd be doing so right then and there. "Such cute and cheesy words," I looked at him with a smile that I could not suppress. "Home is where the heart is darlin'," Jasper said with a sweet crooked smile on his lips. We made our way now fully clothed to the house, but things were far from over for this danger magnate. In front of the house stood a agitated familiar set of copper colored hair. I knew who it was before he even turned around. Bitchward was here. As he turned around we locked eyes. He stared on at me in shock, "Bella?"


Omg, I am sooooo sorry I made you guys wait for so freaking long. Its just college and then I moved. I had to ride a greyhound to get all the way from one side of the U.S. to the other for my move and all by myself and with my service dog. I also had 3 relatives die in a short time of each other so its been crazy. But things are looking up. I got a notebook purposely to help me pop out chapters quicker for you guys and I'm already working on another, much longer than this one for you all who are still reading this. I just gotta say thank you. You guys have made this book my highest read, most voted and commented book in my entire books. I will not be giving up on this book and plan to write til the very end so don't worry about if it is or is not being discontinued because I will still be writing this one til its done.

There are more chapters to go and I'm not even at the half way mark to finished so you guys will have more to come. I promise this next chapter will be longer and more juicy, until then peace✌.

Word Count: 838

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