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{𝕁𝕒𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕣 ℙ𝕆𝕍}

Bella and I sat in the livin' room. My head layin' in her lap. Her fingers runnin' themselves absentmindedly through my blonde curly locks. Her nose buried in Wuthering Heights. Apparently Char had bought that for her by Peter's insistence. Bella said it was her favorite book while she was human. I could feel her sadness and love as Char hugged her and handed the new, crisp book to her. Since then Char plans on expandin' my classical section of literature in my study for my Bella. My Bella. It still feels so strange sayin' that, even in my head. To think this young woman with such a beautiful heart and pure spirit could love me, that she is meant for me. Its just breathtakin'. "What are you thinking about?" I looked up into her beautiful amber golden eyes. "Just how I got so lucky to have such a woman as you in my forever." She smiled down at me. "I would call it deserving, not luck. You deserved someone who would love you for you." It warmed my unbeatin' heart hearin' her say that to me. "I hope to prove my worth every day to you of how much ya mean to me darlin'." She gave my hand a light squeeze and a smile. She continued on readin'. I didn't mind. I loved watchin' her as she did. The little shifts of her features, the emotions that shifted caught my interest. I found it endearin' to watch.

Peter and Char came walkin' into the room hand in hand. Peter looked like he had been rackin' his hands repeatedly through his hair. The look in his eyes though told me somethin' wasn't right. "We have to move." Bella looked away from her book and I sat up, pullin' her close to me, wrappin' my arms around her waist. "Why?" Peter sighed at her question. But the next word he said. That one word set me on edge. Not just me, but Bella. "Edward." Bella started to growl. I pulled her into me, purrin' to calm her in my arms. "Explain." I told him. I didn't like seein' Bella like this, so uneasy. "Well, my knower says if we end up stayin' here somethin' dealin' with Edward will happen. I don't know all the details but I feel it won't be endin' well if he sees Bella and you together. Especially as a vampire. It could start trouble." I nodded. Peter was rather good with these sort of things. It was like Edward to freak out rather than wait for an explanation. "Where shall we be goin' then?" Peter nodded to Char. "You remember the house by Cape Cove?" I nodded. "Yeah, the place with the lake?" She nodded. "Ya'll be movin' there. The house is a two story with balcony and stone works. It would be a nice spot for you and Bella. Good huntin' location." Bella looked at Char questioningly. "Aren't you comin'?" Char and peter shook their heads no. "Edward would try to find us. It wouldn't be a good idea." I looked at them both, knowin' there was more to the story than they were sayin'" Peter looked at me. "I can't tell ya everythin' major, but I can say this to ya. If you and lil bit aren't out of here and gone by tomorrow night there won't be any pleasantries happen on this here property. Somebody might die. And I don't want Ares runnin' a muck, takin' out half of this Texas region and attractin' the attention of...unwanted visitors." I knew what he meant. "We'll be packed up and ready to go first thing tonight." Char handed me the house keys and nodded. "Thought you'd say that." Char and Peter gave Bella and I a hug and we both went upstairs and set to packin' a things to go in Bella's truck. "Its so like Fuckward to ruin things," Bella stated. "Don't worry about it darlin'. I know it maybe doesn't seen fair, but we'll see them later. It will give us also a little needed alone time." Bella sighed. "Yeah. But why did he have come here? Why here of all places?" I looked at her. "You know, I'm wonderin' that myself. But I trust Peter to tell me when the time is right. So for now let's get are things set to go. We have another long drive ahead of us. I'd prefer to have a head start away from him." Bella nodded. But then she had a smile on her face. "What ya smilin' 'bout?" She laughed mischievously. "Guess Petey won't be able to barge on in on us or make sexual innuendos about us for a while." I laughed along with her. "Yeah, that's one plus." I could hear Peter from downstairs swearin' under his breath.

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