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{𝔼𝕕𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕕 ℙ𝕆𝕍}

I was tired of the games, even worse finding Carlisle and Esme packing the Alaskan house up, ready to leave. I had left them, it was true. I couldn't take it anymore. My life, my family had fallen apart and it was all of her fault. We should have left Forks the moment I found out she was my singer. I should have never let my curiosity and thirst get the better of me. Worst however I had actually begun to fall in love with her. I left Forks using the birthday party as a last ditch effort to get away before I couldn't. I was becoming too deeply involved and she was willing so greatly to change, to become just like me. I couldn't let that happen, I couldn't lose her scent, her warmth. I both loved her and hated her. The control she had over me, even wirh me being in a whole other state was aggravating. That's why I kept sneaking away. Another reason I haf found someone who made me an offer I just couldn't refuse, and all it would cost is Jasper.

My head was spinning though when I found out Carlisle, Esme and the others were going back to Forks. I knew now they were getting in the way of my plans. This was not how I set everything up and it was because of Jasper no less that they were going back. I wondered if he was with that mystery vampire chick of his past, the nomad named Mary. I felt like some game was going on behind my back and everyone was making sure to leave me out and I hated it.

That's when I decided to leave for Forks before Carlisle and Esme could show up. I was tired of the games. I had to see what was being hidden from me. I never thought it would be this hidden from me. I never thought it would be her that I would see. It was my Bella, only she wasn't my Bella anymore. Her mouth watering scent was gone that I had longed for along with the blood I had craved. She was a vampire. She had gotten her wish. "Bella?" Was all I could say, to aske. I knew though and I was pissed. I never wanted this for her, but I wanted no one else to have her either. My plans, the deal were all for nothing. Her blood was gone and Jasper was standing with an arm wrapped around her, pushing her back behind him as he stared me down and growled at me. "To you its Isabella. Only my friends and family have that privilege," she growled to me through her bared teeth with stone cold eyes. "Bella I am family, remember its me, your Edward, your boyfriend?" I tried to as she use to say bewitch her but she wasn't fazed. "You mean were, a long time ago bitchward when I thought you truly gave a crap. But ever since you left me in those woods after telling me that I wasn't worth your time and ran off I've wised up. You who has tried to tear my family my world apart. You took so much from me and left me to suffer. Thanks to you Jasper was ashamed of himself, Victoria sort of got her wish when I almost died. I lost my human family completely. It wasn't no armed robbery or a criminal wanted revenge who took out my Mom, Charlie and Phil. That same red headed bitch you said was no problem became a problem. She murdered them and made me watch. I watched my family, my innocent human family die because of you. I heard their screams. The funny thing is, those wolves that you hated like Jacob were the same ones who saved me when Victoria bit me. She tried to drain me dry but they ran her off and now I'm changed forever. So no things are not the same between us nor will they ever be. I'm not you Bella anymore." Bella gave me the darkest glare I'd never seen on her face. It was a look that read loud and clear that she wanted me dead. I couldn't play sweet and smart. I needed to be reckless. I needed her to believe me, then maybe I could get what I deserved out of this, so I stepped forward.

{3𝕣𝕕 ℙ𝕆𝕍}

As Edward stepped forward he received nothing short of a warning hiss to keep his distance from Bella but a deeper growl from Jasper's clenched jaw as he mentally warned Edward to back off. Peter stepped forward, "Ya might not wanna do that if ya wanna keep in one piece," he tried to warn Edward. "Why can't I approach my mate?" Edward stated as if it were fact. But as the word 'mate' left his mouth Jasper's growls got more aggressive. He pulled Bella tighter to him, closer to his body as possible, "Mine," he raspely growled out possessively. Edward was shocked and angry when he heard it come out. "What did you just say?" Edward asked in a threatening manner. "He said I am not yours you bastard. I'm his mate," Bella roared out. Jasper kept his grip on Bella. He was afraid she would charge him. He wasn't having it easy himself. He could see his vision going dark. He knew Peter and Char could see it as well on his face. But Edward's next words sealed the deal, "I know you just did not call my Bella yours!"

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