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(𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕒 ℙ𝕆𝕍)

I laid there in a dazed blur. Feeling almost as if electric like tingles all over my flesh. The sun was only just beginning to rise. But the clouds seem determined to hide the sun from sight. The little of the sun I could make out were the small shafts of its rays peeking in through the trees that sat behind the house. I turned around and found my face buried deep in a firm, muscular chest. Looking up my eyes met familiar set of molten gold with touches of crimson streaks and filled with a warmth I have never noticed before. Jasper was staring down at me with depth of emotion I have never witnessed in another's eyes. That only seemed to draw me in deeper. His arms were wrapped around me, holding me close to his bare skin. I could feel every breath he breathed. Even if we didn't need oxygen, it felt odd for us not to breath in and taste the air surroundings us. Jasper reached up a hand and brushed several strands of disheveled hairs from my face, out of my eyes. "I'm hopin' you're feelin' better now. Ya actually had me worried for a while." I sat up and could feel a odd feeling, like a wet sensation between my legs. I looked down and realized I am naked. "Jasper, why am I naked in bed with you?" If I was still human my heart would have been hammering inside of my chest. "Bella, darling' it was the only way." I stated a bit harshly without meaning to, "what do you mean? What was the only way?" I tried to get up from the bed but Jasper grabbed my wrist. I tried to pull out of his strong grip. "Bella, please listen. I can explain. There is so much I've gotta tell ya." I say down with him still holding onto my wrist. "You've got five minutes. Starting now." Then Jasper was telling me so much. A pull, true mate bond, everything. It was so much to take in at once. Almost too much. "You mean to tell me you had to do...'it' with me to save my life. That I was suffering from some kind of strange side effect? And now, me and you are mates and we marked each other and it's forever? Then bitchward lied to me. That motherfu..." Jasper put a hand over my mouth and his eyes were dark. "Yes. He wasn't the only one though that lied. Alice lied to me as well, leading me on. But now, since we are fully mated nothing' will be able ta take ya from me darlin'. And no other shall have me by their side. I am all yours, from now on...forever." Jasper pulled me close to him. His chin rested on top of my head. It felt nice being in his arms. Now my strange emotions make so much sense. Ever since the moment my eyes fell on him I felt a urge to be around him, to know him. And now I know why. It wasn't bitchward that I was meant to be with as my forever. It was Jasper. And I was pissed. The one person I called a friend, thought of like a sister used him and kept us apart. She kept us from being together. Worst of all, she helped push bitchward and I into a relationship that in the end would have never been. Jasper was meant for me. He is my other true half. But there are still some holes, questions with no answers. Why she did she do it? What was her reason? And now that Jasper and I are mated, will he still stay by my side when he finds out about the people who are after me? Will he risk the dangerous course that lies ahead just to be with me in our small forever. I knew about Maria, his past. Do I want to put him in the path of suffering and death again? He has never got to have peace. What if I screw up his chance of every having that peace in his life? But I knew it was too late. The bond has all ready been made, set our course in stone. To ask him to leave would be something neither one of us could bare, and I am too selfish to let him walk away. I need him. I could all ready feel the intensity of our mating bond. It was like chains linked to one another in a limited length. We had to be close. The further the distance the more painful the pull became. It was unlike anything I have experienced. And I have Jasper to experience all of this with me.

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