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This part takes place before Jasper and Bella get to Cape Cove. Its the drive scene to tell you what happened between them in the car. Also, a insight on why Peter made them leave. I hope you all enjoy and I don't own the Twilight Saga, just this fanfic.

{𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕒 ℙ𝕆𝕍}

We had all of our things we needed for the trip from the beginning once again packed away in the truck. It was all most like a sort of odd Déjà vu. But this time things were different for us both. Our entire world had been flipped over, but for the better. Well, at least I hoped. Jasper was sitting behind the steering wheel as we drove away from the warm comfortable haven that the Whitlock Ranch had offered us. The place that brought Jasper and I together and made everything understandable in this clouded mist that had dwelled in my mind.
Ever since the moment Jasper and the Cullen coven had stepped through those cafeteria doors things are different, because I know now that I can't live without him.

I was a fool to had thought that fuckwad had been my everything, when my everything had been standing hiding off to the side of him all this time. Compared to Jasper, bitchward was a dull, flickering light bulb standing in the presence of an all consuming sun. His presence alone could blot out an entire room and fill its space with his radiance. How could I have been so blind to his light? Probably because the dark-side of the moon was trying and failing to eclipse his presence. But bitchward had failed. I saw that light, and now that it was consuming me entirely I was never going to let it stop until there was nothing left of me to consume.

Jasper hit the main highway. We talked quietly back and forth to each other. I knew the awkwardness of the situation was because of what Peter had said before we left. The Cullens were coming to visit them and we couldn't be around for it when they did. I knew Fuckward was suppose to be with them. It would have been a not so friendly event. A number of things could have happened. But something inside of me still hated to say his name. The image of fuckward from the day I last saw him, when he left me in those woods alone telling me that I was nothing but a pet. Peter knew he had a good enough reason to send me away because I would have tried everything in my power to show that son of a bitch exactly what he had done to me. Maybe then by seeing all of the suffering he had caused he would suffer all the more. That bitch deserves to suffer. Not just for taking my life and ripped it apart, or the family he ripped away selfishly, but also for the lives of the people I loved that he allowed to die. Edward was going to pay.

{3𝕣𝕕 ℙ𝕆𝕍}

"Are ya alright darlin'," Jasper asked as he glanced over at Bella who sat in the passenger seat. He could feel the anger seeping off of her in waves. He knew she must be thinking of Edward again. "Just stressed out." He gave her a look, telling her to continue on. Bella sighed, knowing he wouldn't give up. "I was thinking of him again. I just can't help thinking about that vile prick popping up." Jasper nodded, his hands tightening on the steering wheel. "I know. But we can't be there for a reason. We must trust Peter's reasonin' for makin' us leave. It may not yet be time for us to confront him yet. So many outcomes could occur. Peter just wants to make certain that all ends well for us darlin'. I couldn't bare the thought of losin' you when I've finally had a taste of what our forever may hold." Jasper brushed his hand over Bella's, pulling it into his own and intertwining their fingers. He brought them to his lips and laid a single chastised kiss. Bella smiled. "We can only hope things work out." Jasper nodded and looked on ahead. After all, they had a long drive ahead still to go.

{ℙ𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℙ𝕆𝕍}

Talkin' lil bit and the Major away from the house was for the best for now. I knew they both had to leave and the impeccable timin' of the Cullens' couldn't have been prevented. I could hear their cars pullin' up into the drive. The sound of a boomin' voice that could only be a certain burly knucklehead rang through the open air. A familiar set of blond hair, swept back could be seen through the livin' room window. Then I saw the mind readin' prick that made my venom fire up once more. It definitely was worth sendin' them away. I wasn't gonna let him bring trouble to her life ever again. Char clutched my hand to her, rubbin' soothin' circles into its surface that only yielded to her touch. "Ya ready suga?" Char's bright ruby red eyes stared up at me in worry. I intertwined our fingers and kissed her knuckles sweetly. "As ready as I'll ever be darlin'."

Word Count: 885

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