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(A/N) Reminding ya I dnt own Twilight T-T And this story done just for the fun of it. Enjoy by mini taco minions.

{𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕒 ℙ𝕆𝕍}

Garret stayed the night with us. I knew by how he was looking at me he knew more to the story. He knew something, but he was keeping quiet. At first I thought I had been discovered. I thought my big problem had been so close to being unraveled before me. But he kept silent, like he was waiting, possibly for me to say something. But I don't know if I'm ready to lay my personal problems on them. It wouldn't feel right.

When the sun was just about to rise I sat and admired the view from my window seat Jasper quietly came in and sat beside me. "Beautiful, isn't it? Even after 170 years of seein' it, the sun when it rises and sets is still so captivatin' to me." I nodded, but I was trying to resist looking at Jasper. I didn't win that fight, and I am glad I didn't either because the sight I saw, if I was human still, it would have took my breath away. Lucky I don't really need to breath now. The sun's rays captured itself in his honey blond hair setting it to a halo ring of curly fire. It made him look like Apollo himself. He is surrounded in a youth and captivating masculinity. His skin simply glowed like no other vampire I have ever seen. Even bitchward would never be competition. Jasper was just simply stunning. And he is all ours. That's when it hit me like a ton of lead punching through my gut. But, that's just...its just impossible. But I feel something. Its can't be just a crush. Its too powerful. These feelings; the need to be close to him, to touch him. The intense desire to ravish him every second that I see him. We hadn't been here at the ranch for more than four days. But I knew, there is more to my feelings, something I don't understand. I feel like I am missing something here. Like a huge flashing neon sign is flashing above my head that has the answer on it, but I am clueless to what the damn thing says but I have to know. The only person I know I can talk to about this and feel not so awkward with is Charlotte.

"Darlin'...BELLA!" Jasper I finally noticed was trying to get my attention. "Sorry, I was lost in thought." Jasper looked relieved but still curious. "What were ya thinkin' 'bout so hard?" He was sitting rather close, much closer than usual. I scooted away a little even though everything in me wanted to move closer. I just felt a little out of sorts when he was close. A little to tempted for my taste. "It was just about something random. Nothing you need to worry about Jasper. More like a random day dream or some loose train of thought." Jasper didn't look convinced, but he didn't ask anymore questions. Probably do to the embarrassment that probably was rolling off me in waves. I did feel a warm, calm feeling begin to wash over me. "Thanks Jay." Jasper smirked and nodded. "Any time darlin'."

After that awkward but kind of nice moment Peter decided to break the tension up. "Hey itty bitty, grab ya bathin' suit! We're all goin' to the swimmin' hole!" Then he ran off whooping to the game room most likely to annoy Garrett. Char rushed upstairs. "The bathin' suits are in the top left drawer in the closet Bells. I suggest ya try the white one. It'd look lovely on ya." Then she flitted off to Peter and her room to go put her bathing suit on most likely. Peter ran down the hall though and I heard Char squeal. Peter must have done something because next thing I see is Peter running and Char following hot on his heels waving a stiletto shoe over her head. She was even using curse words I think a sailor would know and blush hearing. Garrett and Jasper were both staying out of the way, laughing at Peter's suffering. They weren't even bothering to try and rescue him. I bet those boys are half the reason he is in trouble. Probably egged him on until he did something stupid. "Char, don't you think the others are to blame too? I bet they encouraged him." The other two looked fearfully at me. "No, we tried ta talk him out of it darlin'. Ya know once Peter has an idiot idea in his mind he is gonna do it." Garrett nodded and pointed at Jasper. "What he said." Char just popped her knuckles and smiled. "Oh really! That ain't what I'm a thinkin' happened." Lets just say they got their just desserts for the bug that was dropped down Char's bikini bottoms. I don't blame her for being angry.

After the boys had finally licked their wounds we made it out to the backyard. Oh, and when I say backyard, I mean a really, REALLY big backyard. We ended going to a natural hot springs that Peter and Jasper had once stumbled upon while Jasper was playing around with Peter. Jasper ended up almost falling into the water, with Peter. Peter knocked into the back of him and sent them both into the water. But now Peter and them use it as their relaxing swimming hole when things get stressful. I have two of the worst people looking for me. One for power, the other for revenge. I'm not rooting for either one of them. I just wish things for me and Jasper could be more peaceful. Jasper from what I have heard has suffer greatly as it is. I mean, you can tell by all those sexy scars he is covered in here and there. My favorite being the one above his left eyebrow. I shook my head, trying to get rid of all my sick, perverted thoughts of Jasper but they just keep resurfacing. It seemed the more time passes each day, the worse all these thought, emotions and stuff get. I'm one step away from just about jumping Jasper's bones and I don't think him or the others would like that very much; especially them. It would be awkward watching your friends doing it in front of you. Let alone watching one jump your other friend who has no way to figure a way out of the awkward, sexual situation and not be pulled in by the hormones which are growing in strength. The whole thing will leave him confused, horny and conflicted. That is something I won't..can't let happen. No matter HOW much I want to do him right here and now. He was standing off to the side in his black swim trunks with a white muscle tank top on. But then I was distracted by Peter picking me up and jumping into the water. The water felt nice. I just wish I was in someone else's arms. Man, I'm in trouble. Must. Quit. Thinking. About. Jasper. Good luck with that. Oh, shut up Iz. *laughs*.

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