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{𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕒 ℙ𝕆𝕍}

I could feel the dread. Things were going wrong. Fuckward wasn't supposed to know but now he does. How could so much good turn into shit. Jasper was talking with Sam and the pack with Peter's help. The wolves weren't so keen to Peter's dietary choice but they wised up when it came down to one person, Edward. I was so mentally exhausted that censoring his name, the cruelty of the past with it was utterly difficult, pointless even. Yes I still hate him but my hatred meant so little at the moment to me. I yet again put the people I love into jeopardy. Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle and even sweet Esme were in danger. The pack was tagging along for the love of my Dad's memory to be truthful. I know some of them actually cared about me, but most of them did nothing but listen to Sam. Sam looked out for me like a big brother, Jacob still harbored feelings I can never return. Leah and Seth treated me oddly enough like family. Okay, for Leah its strange, but for Seth its just the way he is, so innocent and willing to give others a chance. Sometimes he was too innocent for his own good. Leah both loved it and hated that aspect about him, afraid someone would hurt him. I was slowly making my own family and because of Edward now I could lose it all again. If Edward truly has made some form of an alliance with the Volturi so much could be stolen from me; my life, Jasper and I's future, my freedom. I could not imagine a future without Jasper. I could not bare the thought of watching everyone I know, that I cared so much about die because of me. I didn't feel worthy of their strength, their kindness, their love. I should have just walked away. I should have left myself disappear to some place far enough away to keep them all safe. But, I know from Edward's example that something like that will never rid the problems that I and my family face. I'd just be walking away and leaving them to face this fate all on their own. I would rather stand facing my fears, these troubles beside the ones who I love the most then save my own skin. No matter what I'd always be looking back and turning right around to fight beside them. I maybe do not know the outcome of what comes our way but I know that I'll not turn my back to the ones who hold my hand until the very end.

{𝕁𝕒𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕣 ℙ𝕆𝕍}

"So Sam, we will be getting ready gathering friends." Sam nodded with a heavy sigh. Sounds from some of the wolves came around, some defiantly protesting, others sounded worried, only three made not one whisper. Jacob, Leah and Seth stayed together on the other side of the pack line, seemingly separating themselves from the others. Sam spoke up after telling the others to shut it, "They need to hunt away from Forks and stick to the rules of which you and the Cullens and Bella follow. No one is to be caught hunting on the red." I nodded and we shook hands in agreement. "We will all stick to the terms."

Things were slowly coming together as I kept my fist wrapped around in my pants pocket of a single torn note. Immediately I felt a sense of joy and sorrow flow over me as I recognized the handwriting that it held. Garrett had handed it to me earlier and I just haven't been able to part with it. At last I had all of my answers, why she had left me, and why on that one fateful day in Philadelphia she decided to meet me in that diner and turn my world around. She wrote down her visions and what she had seen, the possibilities she has seen. I could not help but to take everything she had said to heart. It made complete sense now why it all happened, why she had lied. I know now what I need to do, the plan that needs to be set into motion. "When the snow sticks to the ground, that's when they'll come," was the last words that Alice had elegantly scripted across the paper.

{3𝕣𝕕 ℙ𝕆𝕍}

He walked with her side-by-side down the streets of New York City hoodie pulled up heading towards the subway station to meet the help that had finally came to their rescue. He kept his eyes downcast so as to avoid notice by others around him of their color. As he stepped down towards the bench not to far from the track he spotted her sitting watching the people pass on by on the platforms. As he grabbed his mates hand he approached her. Before he could even speak up she spoke, "You both kept me waiting long enough." It wasn't said with irritation or rudely. It was more playful. Her petit frame stepped up from her seat as she danced sort of over towards them with a smile. "We are sorry for that, but things are confusing in this large city. She nodded and held out her hand which each one of them took at a time to shake. "Now we better get you both to where your future awaits don't you think. He could not help but smile at the possibilities this girl had told him could be both his and his mates new life. The walked behind her and hopped into a car from their heading towards to airport.

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