Emergency update (spoiler of volume 8)

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Hey guys I just watched the final episode I was fucking shocked and devastated.

Me: What the fuck!!!!!!! Yang, Blake, Ruby, Weiss. Oh god penny, my sweet robotic Pinocchio! How the fuck ironwood survive that BFG gun!? What happen to the Neo, Atlas fall, no how the fuck I can write the ultimate battle, I had in draft it was gonna be like anime studio wasted all their animation budget to make the most badass animation fight in all history! Oh god why rooster teeth, why?! And Juan is gone too. How the fuck I can use this material, the plot and everything I had draft ready the make the readers happy, damn it!!!!!!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!

So yeah, it was difficult to watch the episode and also I'm just don't what to say. Is just "why the hell?" I was speechless dumbfounded by it. Every fucking writing draft I made for the story and future story. So I made my decision

Decision: I decided to not to write the volume 8 or the others any other Destiny and RWBY related stories. I have to put in pause, and is going to be for very long time, because when they release the volume 9 I need to know where the fuck they went "monster hunter?" and now what fucking plot I can write because after watching that episode is gonna be impossible to write the chapter of them retaking the last city from the red legion. And now this shit happens, until RWBY series finished now RWBY x Destiny story, it fucking broke me. So I'm gonna focus on my Star Wars time travel story so yeah, no destiny neither RWBY story it hurts me a lot because so much plot I had for the commandments story. I hope when I finished the Star Wars chapters I hope you read and enjoy it. And I'm sorry for revealing how I feel is just fucking to much. I enjoy rwby a lot and I loved when I made the crossover story I felt inspired to write more, but I felt that my heart was "force crushed". That's all I have to say....


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