Chapter 6

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3rd person POV

     The morning after Jacques Schnee closed the Schnee Dust Company's nonessential facilities, the Mantle rioters are sitting on sidewalks and in police airships with their wrists bound by bolases. A soldier escorts Drinking Buddy along a sidewalk while Atlesian Knight-200s patrol the area. Drunk Mann stands in line with other Mantle citizens outside a polling station. The outside walls have campaign posters for both Jacques and Robyn Hill, and Jacques' posters have been spray painted over.

Newscaster: Although rioting in Mantle is finally under control, how does it feel to know that the majority of those involved were your supporters?

     In a building somewhere, a reporter from the Mantle Daily is interviewing Robyn.

Robyn: I don't condone rioting, especially when our city is being denied aid for the hardships we've already had to go through, but Jacques Schnee's latest stunt is holding the city hostage for his own political gain.

    Drunk Mann approaches a voting booth and begins his vote. His hand hovers over the screen as he hesitates.

Robyn: So I understand their anger, but ask that they show it not in the streets but at the polls today.

     In a local café Watts sitting on a table, enjoying his hot tea as he watches the news. He sips with smirk on his face. Then he gets a call on his ear set, presses it.

Watts: What is it now?

     In the Atlas Naomi was standing on top of the of Atlas academy, looking down at the city.

Naomi: Remember Watts, no fooling around.

Watts: I know, I know, I'll tell Tyrian not get caught.

Naomi: I was referring to you, Watts.

Watts: *rasies his eyebrow* I beg you pardon.

Naomi: I want you focus on the objective, I can tell you're focusing more with personal objective.

Watts: Don't worry, everything going as plan. You'll get want you want.

Naomi: Watts, remember. Kai is a step ahead of others, he can tell something wrong.

Watts: With my program, he can't tell the difference neither the foolish scientist in Atlas.

Naomi: I gave you the program for can combine it with yours, Bray tech is really advance.

Watts: And thank you for your hospitality.

     Watts hangs up and continued drinking his tea. Naomi looking at the kingdom.

Naomi: Well Watts, soon you'll realize you're just a pawn. Thinking that you'll have your victory *chuckle* Salem and Ghaul isn't the only one with goal.

     She grip her fist and she hair transform and her eyes turn Taken, switching from the assistance disguise to her true form.

Naomi: I will make suffer, big brother, like you did to me.


      I small little Naomi with Clovis Bray clothing with blade stab in her chest, she looks up, shaking and sees him.

Young Kai: * emotionless* I'm sorry.

Flashback over

Naomi: You think you have suffered, no, hell is coming, the commandments of god will come. Then you'll have atone for sins for those you threw hell upon them.

Star's POV

   In the Atlas Academy I walk with my team into the training room, we Blake uses her Semblance and jumps from pillar to pillar while Yang follows and attempts to catch her.

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