Good news

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Hey guys I wanted to tell I found and the answer for I can write volume 8 and later continue to 9, and I know all of don't know what coming for volume 9, that's the thing. I don't give a shit what plot they have for it, I wanted to save atlas and many, also write the ultimate battle in writing history of fanfiction, but Atlas fall in the series. But I'm gonna let it fall in volume 8 and save it volume 9. I know, it's confusing. The writer probability wrote something for RWBY to come to their realm and reunited with their friends, then in my story I will do that but everything goes wrong. That's the thing, CRWBY idea for RWBY and others to win but in my version of Volume 9 I'm gonna fuck it up so hard, you might think that I'm ruining my own story, but no. Because when the right chapter comes for I can make the ultimate change for I can save Atlas. Theres only two word that all of you readers can understand what I'm trying to do. AHEM..............................

"Snyder cut"😎⚡️

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