Chapter 9

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     Snow continues to fall from the night sky over Mantle, collecting on roads, sidewalks and rooftops. Pietro and Maria stand outside Pietro's clinic with the door open, allowing civilians to take shelter inside.

Woman: What's going on? Is the heat off in Atlas too?

Man: They wouldn't just turn the heat off...

    Pietro and Maria look at each other.

Man: ...Would they?

    Maria and Pietro look up at the City of Atlas, the underside of which is still lit up cyan and purple. Somewhere Crimson standing on top of a building, smiling as the heating grid is turn off.

Crimson: *chuckle* Well Kai, you're not here, so I'm going to have fun.

    He pull out a Vex artifact, holds it in his hand and activates it.

Crimson: Now lets get started.

    He puts the artifact into chest, shoving it in, started to absorb it. He started to grunt in pain but still smile. His body started to change form chest plate, gauntlet, leg armor changing in to vex structure chape with combination of SIVA.

 His body started to change form chest plate, gauntlet, leg armor changing in to vex structure chape with combination of SIVA

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Crimson: *laughs* Oh that's that good shit.

   His body started to glow with red energy, but combination of SIVA tech, he raises both hands a started to create some type Vex conflux but color red. Then he started to create something by using his nanotech.

Crimson: Now this is very creative.

    He creates SIVA Vex out mid air, using nano tech. The Vex structure has SIVA and metal is Crimson Red color.

Crimson: Now, lets give a name. Ah, I got it....''Crimson Vex" Now lets bring the cavalry.

    He then started to activate then SIVA tech he put in every location, he then begin to connect with every communication and technology in the kingdom.

Crimson: All this information, people privacy, secret files of personals in Schnee and military.

    He looks at the Crimson Vex puts it on a test drive.

Crimson: Find the rest of Guardians.

    The Crimson Vex nods, through its vision showing number and vex Language. It looks around and scanning for Light signature.

Crimson: So?

Crimson Vex: Three Light signature found, upper level, Atlas in the Schnee Mansion.

Crimson: Huh, talking Vex, that's something you don't everyday. *chuckle* Go on, do your job.

     The Vex turn toward Atlas, bends its knee and its back begin to form something, it formed into a wing made of Nanotechs. Jump upward, begins to fly in to the air heading straight to Atlas.

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