Chapter 5

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Ruby's POV

We were all in the snowbird, it's so cool and futuristic. I can't stop from aww.

Weiss: Wow, where were you keeping this?

Cortana: *hovering next to Jackson* It was in my inventory.

Nora: I'm still confused, how can you fit a big ship like this, inside of you?

Jackson: Science.

Nora: Okay.

Yang: Then why didn't we use this to get Atlas in the beginning?

Jackson: Because if fly to Atlas with this they'll will send every airfighter they have to shoot us down.

Star: Points for the bimbo.

Yang: Hey.

Soul: *slap her across the head* Stop bothering her Star.

Star: Ouch, that hurt.

Kai: Everybody shut up.

We arrive the command center of the ship.

Marrow: Wow, Guardians have fancy ships and tech, what's next?

Jackson: We have Guardians that they don't brag about them self a lot.

We all started to laughs a bit.

Marrow: Aren't a smart one.

Jackson: Actually, I'm a smartass of the group.

Jackson goes swipe his hand on table screen, it glow shows holographic images in the air.

Kai: Jackson, report.

Jackson: I find out the Cabal use a new technology that they were developing.

Kai: And?

Jackson: *Giving Kai a tablet showing* Here, look for yourself.

Kai was looking at the tablet, swiping and having a worried face. Then he cracks the screen of the tablet out of anger.

Ruby: *small gasp* Kai.

Wiess: Is, something wrong?

Kai: Computer show image of Remnant's solar system,

As he says the lights turn off and the table reveal a holographic images of planets.

Ruby: *aww* Oh my gosh, so cool and cute, look is our planet.

Kai: Yes and this our

He swipes the tablet making shrinking the image of the our solar system and shows a red dot titling "Earth" Me and the team were confused.

Star: Is the computer is glitching? Because is showing that Earth few Light year away from Remnant.

Kai: That is Earth.

Soul: What?

Blake: I thought your world and ours is in different realms.

Jackson: The Red Legion created and device, using it to create a interdimensional merging with your realm with ours.

Nora: What?

Star: Combining pancakes with Waffle.

Nora: *both hand in her face with big gasp* That's impossible.

Weiss: The Red Legion is capable of that?

Kai: They use human tech.

We all look at him in shocked. I look at his eyes with stress and anger.

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