Chapter 4

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Kai's POV

Soon after the trucks arrive at the mine entrance, me, my team, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Qrow and the injured Ace-Ops. I can sense in everybody with a bit of fear in them, well they weren't prepare to fight Hives.

Nora: Well, that was...I have no words for it.

Jaune rushes over to me

Jaune: Kai, can you explain what happened back there.

I can tell he was scared and worried.

Jaune: And what Soul talking about prisoners and Fallen Guardians

Clover: Well, Ace-Ops are hand-picked to perfectly compliment one another. So we can focus on our assets and leave our liabilities behind.

Marrow walks over with a confuse face.

Marrow: How come my semblance didn't work?

Then I started to feel a disturbance, I feel something evil in the Kingdom. I looked back at Jaune and Marrow.

Kai: Look you guys been through a lot. *communicate in his comms* Jackson bring the ship in.

Jackson: *comms* On my way.

Kai: and Marrow, shut up. *too Soul* Soul, get the roadrunner and Vine to the ship when Jackson arrive.

Soul: *nodded* Got it.

Harriet: As longest he's carrying me, is all fine.

Soul: *sigh* You're gonna need a lot of anesthetic.

Harriet: Hard to get.

Yang: *arm crossed* Back off, speedy.

Yang arrive with her jealousy aura on. Is like looking at a golden retriever and a German shpered fighting for a chew toy, sucks to him.

Clover: Speaking of the job...

Further down the way, Ironwood is talking on a communicator. He gives a brief order to a soldier, who walks away.

Clover: Duty ever beckons. You all hang back a second. *gesturing to Jaune and Qrow*

The Ace-ops walk over to Ironwood. I noticed Ruby watches with a sad sigh, then looks away, thinking. I went walk up to her, then noticed idea, smiles and hurries over to her teammates.

Ruby: What do you guys want to do when we get back to Atlas? Sightseeing? *gasp* Oh, what should we visit first?

Blake: *yawns* How about our beds?

Blake walks away. I stop her, put my hand on her shoulder.

Kai: *to Blake* Blake, when Jackson arrive get on to the ship for he can check on you for injuries.

Blake: Kai, I'm fine.

Kai: *trying to convince her* Blake.

Blake: *sigh* Alright.

She walks away.

Ruby: Oh, come on, guys! This is a great time to go exploring! We haven't done that in so long!

Weiss: Ruby, we just explored a whole continent on foot before flying to this one.

Weiss walks away.

Ruby: Well, yeah, but... it was only the boring parts.

Yang: *arms crossed* We almost died.

Ruby: Ppt.

Ruby waves her hands at Yang with an awkward chuckle, and Yang walks away. Ruby then frowns and sighs sadly.

Kai: She right, Ruby. Fight Grimm in a train that later crashed, Star almost die, all of you almost died from losing will to live, Blake and Yang killing Adam, also fighting Cordovin, and last you fighting a Leviathan.

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