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3rd Person POV

Somewhere outside of the City, thunder rumbling and soon a storm was coming. Then in a small mountain there's a wall and then Guardian came out of the wall. It was projection tech, covering the entrance of his small base. Guardian is a Titan, his Ghost pops out summon his sparrow, and head drive off.

Titan: *comms* Alright, heading toward the comms satellites to see the problem.

Warlock: *in comms* Be careful out there, the storm is strong.

Titan: *comms* Don't worry, it's easy and beside I have my Ghost to ressurect me.

Warlock: *comms* Alright, do it quick before the storm comes.

      The Titan went head on to the satellites. Back in the base the warlock finishes talking with Titan he goes back drinking his coffee. Then a doors opens a female Awoken Hunter walks being toples. Her Ghost was hovering next to her.

Hunter: Well that was a long nap I took.

Warlock: Jeez, you've been asleep for 24 hours. And for god sake Aval put a shirt on.

Aval: What it doesn't bother Duke.

Warlock: Because he's not interested in women.

Aval: *walking up to him and whisper in his ears* But you're interested.

Ghost: And also your body signature is rising.

Aval: *giggle* Looks someone a bit excited.

Warlock: *blush and pushes her slowly away* Aval, this isn't the time.

Aval: *pouty face* You're no fun.

Warlock: Well get use to it.

Aval: I wonder why you never have a shot with Jenkins.

Warlock: *sigh* Got me there, but she has more package than you.

Aval: Ugh!

Ghost: Well he got you there.

Aval: Shut up.

Warlock: That's weird.

Aval: What is it Hotch.

Hotch: You might wanna look at this.

     She goes walks and sees the screen panel something not normal.

Hotch: The reading I'm getting from the storm and is not normal.

Aval: How not normal?

Hotch: I have bad feeling about this. *in the comms* Duke are you there.

      Back in the forest where Duke in fixing the Satellite, he was getting called by the rest back from the base.

Duke: *comms* Duke speaking.

Hotch: Hey, are finish with the comm satellite?

Duke: Well...I'm...about... done!

    Hotch then goes enhance the images and sees something that he was shocked.

Hotch: Oh god.

Aval: *cover her mouth.* Oh no.

Hotch: Duke, head to the City get the Vanguard and warn them!

Duke: *not responding*

Hotch: Duke?!

      As he trying to get through, no one is responding, Duke was on the floor dead. He had a knife stabbed inside his head and his Ghost was cut in half. A dark armor Hunter is standing in front of him and he was flip his knife around. Back in the base Hotch was getting worried that Duke isn't answering.

RWBY x Destiny Crossover Volume 7 (Reforged Light)Where stories live. Discover now