Finale Trailer

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    In the street of Mantle people and soldier dead in ground slaughtered by Cabal. Gladiators walking in the street, blades dripping blood from their victims.

Emperor: *voiceover* Do you feel it?

    Naomi walking in the Atlas academy hallways covered in blood and guts of the soldiers and students, smiling with Taken energy around her body.

Emperor: *voiceover* Do you feel the power of the Darkness.

    In the Atlas secret base, Jackson with the eye yellow and red, full of hate and anger.

Emperor: *voiceover* The only real power!

    He sees a injured scientist crawling away with fear. Jackson walks up to him igniting his lightsaber.

Emperor:  *voiceover* The only thing worth living for!

    He then slowly smile.

Emperor: *voiceover* Equality is a lie... a myth to appease the masses.

    Taken Adam fighting against Soul, both clashing it top, around them dead humans, Fuanus, Guardians. Salem looking down at Ruby.

Emperor: *voiceover* Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is!

    Ruby fill tears and her silver eyes power flickering.

Emperor: *voiceover* There are those with power, those with the strength to lead.

    Ghaul looking outside of his seat, seeing his army marching in the ground, destroying every Atlas forces outside of the kingdom. Consul smiling as the Speaker sees the slaughters, looking down feeling useless.

Emperor: *voiceover* And there are those meant to follow those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence.

     Emperor followers, cutting down Atlas soldier with their red lightsaber, Jolyne throws hers in spinning mode, slicing them into pieces.

Emperor: *voiceover* The darkness will devour those who lack the power to control it.

     Kai in the pool of Darkness in agony and being consumed by darkness.

Emperor: It's a fierce storm of emotion that annihilates anything in its path.

     Entire vain in his body turning black.

Emperor: It will waste to the weak and the unworthy.

      Screaming as no sound was coming out of his mouth, just emptiness.

Emperor: But those who are strong can ride the storm winds to unfathomable heights.

      The dark vain slowly vanishing as marking started to form in his right arm.

Emperor: *voiceover* They can unlock their true potential; they can sever the chain that bind them; they can dominate the wolrd around them.

     The marking start to spread up to his torso, spreading into his right side of his face.

Emperor: *voiceover* Only those with the power to control the Darkness can ever truly be free.

     Kai slowly open, and is completely pitch black.

Cool background music for drama.

    Jackson clashing Lightsaber against Jolyne, Alisha firing her white flames at the emperor's forces. Winter riding a summoning of a Manticore Grimm, Crimson beating the Red Huntress, blood spilling with blows. RWBY fighting against Ace-ops, Stranger fighting against a Shadow of Yor, Emepror Laughing in his throne, Cayde fighting against Tyrian, Penny and flying shooting lasers at Cinder.

Emperor: *voiceover, laughing* To we who dwell in the Traveler's Light, normal life is little more than pretense. Our only action of significance are those we undertake in service to the Darkness.

    In a snow storm Emperor standing in front of person on his knee, wearing dark cloak. He smile at him under his hood, grabs his lightsaber, activating it. He puts the crimson blood balde near his head.

Emperor: Rise my new apprentice.

     The person raises his head revealing to be Jackson, with yellow, red eyes.

Jackson: Yes, my master.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy this final trailer and making it hype for you when the times I can publish the chapters. Only three chapter left, If you have any question go ask redknight anything and write question in the comment.

Guardian out...

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