Chapter 13

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3rd Person POV

Alysha confronting the Emperor, and trying to save her brother. She ignite her body in white flame and blast off the ground flying toward the Emperor. He sits where he is, not fearing her, she goes spinning like fire ball and throws a side, creating powerful shockwave that the ground moved a bit. But it didn't work because he uses his power to create a barrier around him.

Emperor: Pathetic girl, your power aren't compare to mine.

Alysha: *flying around* Shut up you ass face!!!

She goes kept on attack him, like a flying to trying to go through glass but can't. The Emperor got tired of her foolishness, goes stop her with his power by waving her hand, she was stop in the air, not moving.

Alysha: Shit!

Emperor: Now, behave like a good little girl.

Put his hand downward making Alysha crashing into the floor, using his thrusting his raw power breaking the floor. She was struggling to escape but her power is no match to his.

Emperor: Look at me girl!

As he narrowed his down, looking at her as she was an annoying little girl. Alysha struggling to look up, she then chuckle as she struggle.

Emperor: What is it that you find amusing?

Alysha: *grunting* That you think having power is the only that is need, but you're wrong. You need smartness as well.

Both of her ignite in white flame, but the flame's increase, reaching the same heat of a Solar Light. Making a fist in both hands and shove it into floor melting her hand through it. She spread her fire into the ground and cracking stream spread to the floor, reaching to the throne and ritual pillar where the Crimosn order is standing.

Alysha: Confetti mines!!!!

The flame underground ignites, multiples exploding from every direction killing the soldier and few dark sages. The expulsion reaches to the structure that was holding the pillar of the ritual. Two fo the pillar begin to falls and the leader of the order looks away and sees the pillar, falls on top of him, killing him. The rest of the jump down from their pillars back to the floor. The explosion reached the Emperor throne where he's sitting on, exploded into pieces, flames destroying it completely. The smoke clears out revealing the Emperor was gone, making Alysha in shock, she then notices it. Looking up the Emperor was in the air, jump from his throne before it exploded. He land on the floor with back flip, laughing as he was amused from her creativity. At the same time realizing that ritual was stopped, Kai opens his eyes and sees the two of the pillar collapsed. He then goes begin channel his Light but couldn't, it was depleting slowly. But he then begin to channel is anger and pain, channeling...his darkness. The chain that was holding igniting with Taken flames, the cuffs from his leg shattered and the left arm cuff as well. Then Taken energy burst out from his back and creating a solid copy of Oryx's wings. He goes rips out the chain from the wall, having the cuff on. He lands on the floor and looks at the Emperor.

Alysha: He's a Taken?!

Kai: *combination of Oryx voice* You!

He goes spins the flaming chai around and tosses toward the Emperor. But it goes throughs him, it was after image. Kai eyes widen he looks to his right, Emperor with his hand held out aiming at his face. He sends a powerful pulse wave sending twirling through the walls, breaking it into pieces.

Emperor: Is been so long, I even forgot how to hold back.

He begin to laughs as Kai burst out from the hole in the wall, flying in high speed toward him with his wings. The Emperor jump upward in the air and Kai follows him, swing his chain at him. He's able to dodges all of the swings in mid air, he laughs as he's having fun with Kai.

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