Chapter 3

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Kai's POV

      I'm in my room looking out the window seeing Atlas from outside. After a few days arriving in Atlas, everybody trying to adjust here. I was cleaning my knife, getting rid of the blood from last night.


     I was down in mantle in the night scouting to see anything not Remnant related stuff. I can sense a disturbance in the city something, malice.
Girl: *screams* AAAAAAAAH!!!

    I quickly turn around and run toward the scream, a girl is in danger. I went use my speed and dashing toward the girl in trouble. I arrive to the place, I look down to find her.

Girl: *screaming* Help me, someone!

     I found the girl she pin the ground by three guys, one carrying a knife. He cut her shirt open, revealing her bra, they're going to rape her.

Girl: *weak voice with tears in her eyes* Please, someone help me.

Thug: *waving his knife* You really have nice racks.

    I got and jump down, my armor forming around my body. I landed on the ground with my armor on and the three thugs turn around looks at me.

Thug #1: Hey, get out of here *pointing the knife at him* Unless you want trouble.

Kai: *voice changer in the helmet* I doubt that.

Thug #1: Hey, I'm warning you-

     I cut him offf, dashing in front of him and ripping his tongue out and blood was pouring out. He screams in agony and swing my fist across the face breaking his jaw, he drops to the floor. The other saw what happened to their friend and one of them pull out a gun at me.

Thug #2: Stay back, unless you want to die tonight.

     I look at his hand as he holds his gun, its shaking. I look at him and noticed his eyes pupil.

Kai: You can't shoot.

Thug #3: Huh?

Kai: You're drunk, if you shoot me, you'll miss.

Thug #3: Don't mess with me!

     He opens fire at me, bullets missing me. I went walking up to him as he kept firing at me. I smile and chuckle under my helmet as he misses. I went stabbed him in the chest with my knife, slowly as he grunts in pain, pull out my knife and he drop dead in the floor. The last guy looks at me with fear and I dashed forward kick into the wall. I look down at the girl, noticed that she's Faunus, with dog ears. She looks at me, shaking in fear, she's terrified. I lean down and she closes her eyes, scared. I put my hand out and Ghost teleport a fold blanket, I went open the blanket and wrap it around the girl for she doesn't get a cold. She opens her eyes, looking at me confusion.

Kai: Don't worry, help is coming.

     I went teleported on top of the building looking down the edge and fire a grappling hook from gauntlet grabbing the guy that I kicked into the the wall. I went pull him up while he's unconscious.

Time skip

Later I went threw a bucket of water, splashing all over his face. The guy begin to wake up and when he looks around then noticed.

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