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Silhouettes of the Atlas designs of Team RWBY and Team JNPR and Oscar Pine TVLR and Kira are shown, resembling the silhouettes from the initial reveal of Team RWBY at the end of the original Trailers.
Shot pans up a snowy cliff with Team TVLR , Team RWBY, still in their Mistral designs, standing on top of it. Ruby has her hood up.
Close up of Kai face as he takes off his hood before cutting to the faces of Star, Soul, Jackson, Kira, Ruby Yang, Weiss and Blake respectively. Cut to a behind shot of the nine looking up at Atlas before they dissolve into ash. The camera flies up into the sky as "RWBY x Destiny Volume 7" materialises out of the same ash.
Nine characters appear one by one in the sky in the order of Kai, Star, Soul, Jackson, Kira, Yang, Blake, Weiss and Ruby. Each character appears in their Vale design before using their semblance once to transition into their Mistral design, then activate their semblance again to transition into their Atlas designs.
Ironwood and with a dark skin man with hair is shown in his office looking at a hologram of Atlas and the new rebuild Amity Colosseum. Cut to his face looking intent before the camera zooms into his eye which shows the reflection of the hologram.
A hand closes on a Clover-like medal before the silhouettes of the Ace-Ops are shown in the same style as Team RWBY, before cutting to the leader, Clover Ebi, standing in Atlas. After half a second, the other 4 members fade in, all posing in a relaxed, yet ready manner. Camera zooms out showing the team as an image on a screen under the name "ATLAS_OPERATIVES.FLD_ACE."
A close shot of Watts moustache. It curls into a smirk before he begins typing on a keyboard. As he does this, the silhouette of Tyrian with Psion with dual blades appears in front of the scene as he maintains a sitting positions while he holds himself off the ground with his tail and hovering with its telekinesis.
A transition of the screen breaking apart before showing Ironwood in Mantle firing his gun at the screen intently before lowering it and looking down at the ground in a dejected manner.
The screen is enveloped by a shadow storm then shows Jacques and Whitley side-by-side in the Schnee Manor with an intimidating look on both faces.
Weiss and Winter stand back to back with the Schnee logo behind them. Both give a sideway glance to each other, Winter with her arms crossed and a slight grin on her face while Weiss looks back with a unsurely expression.
In Pietro's Clinic, Pietro Polendina sits back in his chair adjusting his bowtie, while Maria turns and looks into the camera with her eyes.
A slow pan shot from left to right, of Ruby in the centre of the screen while the other members of TVLR, RWBY, JNPR and Oscar, Kira stand in the background on raised objects, all with their weapons out.
The little silver eyes girl name Morgan stands in a white background, she looks back with a curious look before smiling joyfully.
In a snowy area, Yang activates her semblance and fires a shot at two Dread Unhallowed Adherent Acolytes running towards her, Jackson in his dawnblade form shooting fire ball at thrall, causing a blast of snow. Star sliding with her snowboard shooting void arrow at wizards, Ren, Nora, Kira and Jaune run out of the snow blast and attack more approaching Hive Knights with their swords then dodges out of the way as a Hive Ogre made of Ice and attempt to crush him with its fist. The Ace-Ops are seen running by the Ogre as Elm Ederne runs up the Geists arm then swings at its head with her weapon.
Alisha leans against a building in Mantle watching a group of angry Mantle citizens shouting at a screen with Ironwood on it. As the camera zooms to the screen, One of them throws a rock at it, which causes it to glitch and show Jacques face instead.
In a hologram-chamber looking area, Dwayne and Kira both spar. Kai swings a punch at Kira which he dodges.
In a tunnel, Blake kills several centipede-like Grimm by spinning Gambol Shroud before crouching down, as Weiss slides around her on her Glyphs before jumping into the air, Then Soul flying in the middle with his spear and slashing into the camera with Void Light.
In Mantle, Tyrian runs towards and attacks Robyn as she blocks his strikes. Qrow and Cayde-6 then jumps into the Frey and attacks Tyrian which he blocks in turn.
Kai kills several Grimm with His Taking before turning into a 2D moving black Silhouette in a white background, Using his Taken power transitioning to Ruby still swinging with her scythe before transitioning to Weiss with her rapier, Blake with her blade, Yang with her gauntlet, Soul with her spear, Jackson with dawnblade, Star acrobatic with arcstrider respectively in the same style swinging with their own weapons.
A close-up shown of Ruby's and Kai's face back in the normal style before zooming out and showing a Cayde-6, crowd on the left the screen all looking towards the right, featuring Team TVLR, RWBY, JNPR, Qrow, Oscar, Kira the Ace-Ops, Ironwood, Winter and Penny.
The scene cuts to black, with the text "FANFICTION CREATED BY RedKnight" in white letters with a brief sweeping light showing Zack Raider with Red eye in left and white in his right in the background.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy the opening, and also curious about few things.

Guardian out...

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