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Hey guys I wanted to tell you about the stories updates, I'll be still writing the chapters but now is November, meaning that my first semester is gonna be over soon and later I'll start second semester. So I'll be studying for test and stuff. But I'll be still writing when ever I can, and also the volume 7 story, I'm gonna wait when the volume is over and also the Osiris story will paused at moment, but I still have the story that I'm gonna write in it. Also the shattered Light story is in a slow process, but to be honest I feel the shattered Light story is not what I expect to write, I remember I had the magic to write it, but I now I don't feel excited with the story, but it was fun adding other characters from other stories. But to be honest the shattered light story was supposed to be a Evil version fo Kai story, but to be honest shattered Light was my second option, because the first version of that story wasn't about multiverse and other characters from other stories. It was going to be like a goku black arc story, something like that. But I was thinking you all know the shattered Light isn't a cannon story. But I was thinking to do a crossover of the other authors character in my story in volume 8 to make it cannon, but only one author. If you guys know which author should I pick for my story, write it in comment. And also I have the cover for my Destiny 3 cover, for the future.

 And also I have the cover for my Destiny 3 cover, for the future

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The cover is a working process, but is all I got.
The shadowkeep story and also here a Eris morn

 The shadowkeep story and also here a Eris morn

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Yah, I know what your thinking. "Thicc" also in the shadowkeep story I'm gonna give her a boyfriend, well because I feel bad for her, she always also alone with her floating rock and also now being tormented with her dead fireteam. She at least deserve to have someone instead, maybe she be less crazy and more sane. And also here's the cover for forsaken.

 And also here's the cover for forsaken

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*sniff* Rest In Peace, my brother. And also I'm gonna make a no nut November special, and the reason I'm gonna do Because my friend ask me if I can do that and told him now. But he said he will accompany me to black Friday with me. So it was a deal, Nintendo switch here I come, and I'll kill any person stand in my way.

Guardian out...

RWBY x Destiny Crossover Volume 7 (Reforged Light)Where stories live. Discover now