Chapter 10

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3rd Person POV

     The citizens of Mantle run frantically in the streets, being chased by Gladiator, War Beast and Sabyrs, while Thresher ships, Teryxes and Giant Nevermores fly around above them. On one street, a pair of Atlas Soldiers fire at a pack of Beowolves. A Beowolf manages to tackle one of the soldiers, and the other soldier shoots a fiery bullet at it, killing it. The first soldier does not get up. Five Mantas fly overhead, and one of them is taken down by a Thresher. Five War Beastst round a corner and attempt to run down the street, only to be defeated by a missile. A group of civilians runs down the street that the Sabyrs came from, passing by the hole in Mantle's outer wall. A herd of SIVA fused Megoliaths carrying Cabal troops in their howdah, pouring in through the hole, firing at civilians, killing a few and they almost trample the fleeing civilians.

    Somewhere else in Mantle, more War Beasts are running around, some of which are slain by Fiona Thyme, May and Joanna. Nearby, a Gladiator sword stands atop a car and watches the Happy Huntresses, who chase another Sabyr down an alley. The Gladiator then jumps down from the car and runs down the street, going around a toppled car to find a Faunus woman and child hiding there.

Nora: Here, turtle turtle!

     The Cabal turns and looks up, seeing Nora standing atop a nearby roof. She jumps down and slams Magnhild down on its head, Gladiator cross block it with its swords, but couldn't match Nora's strength, she breaking through the sword, smashing its head into pudding, killing it. Weiss and Kira directs the Faunus woman on where to run, while Marrow stands nearby with his gun ready. Another large group of Sabyrs approaches from down the street. Nora sighs, and she, Weiss, Kira and Marrow get ready to continue fighting. Elsewhere in Mantle, Blake is running from a SIVA Megoliath with Cabal howdah firing and three Ursai. Two of the Ursai run to either side of the Megoliath, while the third runs behind the Megoliath's hind leg. The Ursa behind the Megoliath shoves one of the other Ursai out of the way. It then attempts to tackle Blake, but she draws her katana and uses Dust to create a fire clone. Upon impact with the fire clone, the Ursa catches on fire and dies. The second Ursa attempts to tackle Blake, and she creates a lightning clone, moving to the other side of the street. As the third Ursa leaps to tackle her, she creates an ice clone, turns around in mid-air and fires her gun at the Ursa's head. The Ursa smashes into the ice clone, tumbles on the ground and is crushed to death under the Megoliath's foot.

    Blake turns a corner and keeps running. The Cabal that were in the howdah firing at Blake, slug rifle shot scratches her right arm, but she kept on running. As the Megolaith run, Star quickly was running in the rooftop and jump. Landing on the howdah with the Cabals.

Star: Sup.

     They all see Star, quickly aim their rifles at she, she quickly round kicks. kicking the rifle of its hand, a knife pops out in the tip of her boots, kick the cabal in the head, stabbing through its helmet killing it. Psion went grab by the neck, she goes elbowed it in the get, letting her go. she go grab the Psion neck and use it as a pole and dance around, the Cabals goes using gauntlet knife to stab her. But she dance around the neck dodging the blade, accidently stabbing the Psion. She kept dancing around and they keep stabbing and missing. She then lets go jump up in the air, Psion fall forward dead in the ground from all of the stabbing. They look up  and Star has two hand cannon in both hands aim directly at them.

Star: Boom.

    Pulling the trigger, blowing their heads off, then she lands back to the ground. She fires at the Megolaith, but its skin is fused with SIVA, bullet couldn't penetrate it. But due to its momentum, the Megoliath is only able to make a wide turn around the corner, which causes it to slam into a building, breaking the windows on the ground floor and shaking loose some of the accumulated snow. With an angry trumpet, it continues to chase Blake. Just as it swings its trunk, she uses her Semblance to dodge, and it runs straight toward Elm, who uses her Semblance to root herself in place. Once the Megoliath reaches her, Elm grabs ahold of its face, stopping it in its tracks, which creates a shockwave that shatters all surrounding windows. She then uses the Megoliath's momentum to lift it into the air and proceeds to hold it there.

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