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3rd person POV

The Golden age Era

      In the street of London a man walking, his hair color is ash brown, stubbled beard. Wearing brown leather jacket, white T-shirt, dark blue jeans. Walking down the street drink from his flask of alcohol, walking drunk on the street, bumping into a guy. Making the guy angry.

Man: Bloody look out where you walking you wanker!

     The drunk man is other than Killian (appearance in volume 6 OVA). Killian looks at the guys and went ignore and kept on walking, pissing off the guy. He goes grab Killian and drags him into a alleyway to beat him. The sound punching and thud sounds and bones cracking. Revealing in the alleyway the guy was beat brutally badly, both arm was crack open, blood leaking out. Killian doesn't even have a scratch on him, walking up to the beat up guy.

Killian: *leans down on his knees* Sorry mate, need to borrow this a bit.

     swiping his finger in the puddle of blood and lean back up, walking toward the dead end of the alleyway, and start to draw a symbol on the wall using the blood of the guy, finishing the symbol, it start to glow and the wall begin to form into a door with the symbol on it. He opens the door and enters, entering into a massive mansion. He closes the door and head to the living room and drop his face forward on the couch.

???: *female voice* Killian

     He open why and sees her house in physical form.

Killian: What the bloody hell you want Vertigo, can't you see I'm taking a nap.

Vertigo: It appears we have a guess.

     Opening both eyes and gets up and curious of the guest.

Killian: What guest.

Vertigo: She's a interesting person.

Killian: So you let the bloody wanker in here.

Vertigo: Actually she let himself in.

     That caught his attention, he goes and walks to another part of the house that has a different living room. He walk into the room and sees a women with cloak, sitting in a chair slurping some cup of tea, the hood covering her face.

Killian: Uhhh, who the bloody are you?

???: Is that how to treat a lady?

Killian: I don't give two bloody shit of gender equality.

???: Well let get to point.

Killian: *takes out his flask out of his jacket* Good.

     He start to drink the flask, she finds it really annoying. He noticed her mood and finishes what left in the flask.

Killian: What, you don't like alcohol?

???: No, just I don't like drunken bigot asshole.

Killian: *chuckle, pointing finger while holding his flask* I see, you got balls that I can tell you. *burps*

???: I came here to give you a mission.

      Killian was listening and was snooping a wine cabinet.

Killian: *opening a bottle of wine*  Mission for what.

???: Is to save the-

Killian: *open the bottle of grape wine* Let me guess, to save the bloody goddamn world. *chuckle* Heard that before.

     He laugh and drinks the wine. The women become a bit more irritated.

???: Not the world, the entire universe.

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