Chapter 11

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3rd Person POV
   In the facility Charlie and Cortana are running in the hallway, trying to find a way out.

Cortana: I have downloaded the entire schematics of the building. We can exist much quicker, just follow me and you'll live, probably.

Charlie: What?!

Cortana: Look ahead!

     She spotted an elevator and shoots bright energy beam, pressing the button. The elevator door slide open, but then soldier from other corner of the hallway. The soldier sees them and aim their weapon.

Soldier 1: Hold it.

Soldier 2: Open fire!

     They open fire at them, Charlie eyes widen, thinking that her life is over. Cortana sees the bullets in slow motion and thought of something.


     Cortana was in the lab with Jackson and Star, she was arguing with her.

Cortana: Do I really have to say it?

Jackson: Well you have to, because she type it in and I'm gonna spend another 6 hours to reprogram your ability voice activation.

Cortana: *to Star* Why did you had to put that stupid voice activation?

Star: Because, is awsome. And you I love anime reference and making it real life.

Cortana: Well I got an anime reference. You can go look cinnamon roll frosting off your oppai.

    Star was confuse for a second until she realized what she meant. Her face turn completely red from embarrassment, she make a fist and throws a punch, directly into her face, sending her crashing through a wall. Then Red arrive hovering toward her, holding a cinnamon roll frost

Red: Hey Star, Oscar's cinnamon roll frost-

Star: *blushing red* NO!!!

Red: *waving the cinnamon* So no frosty-

Star: *running out of the room, screaming* NOOOOOoooooooo!!!

Red: I thought she like cinnamon roll.

Jackson: No, she loves it, but the one she was thinking.

Red: Yeah, I'm lost.

Jackson: Lets just say, she's growing up. And soon she start with phases.

Red: Like the clothing she picked after we arrived here.

Jackson: First phase.

Red: Second Phase?

Jackson: Red your a artificial intelligence, so why don't you beemax her.

Red: You mean Baymax.

Jackson: *typing computer* Same thing.

Red: Dick.

      He hover out of the room.

Cortana: *stuck in the wall, sparking* Can you get me the fuck out of here?!

Flashback over

     Cortana hovers in front of Charlie and shouts

Cortana: Za warudo!!!!

      As she says everything stops, she looks around and sees time is frozen.

Cortana: Holy shit, it actually works! Probably should test it earlier instead of now. Well time to play music

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