Part 1

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It was the first day of the new school year and I was with my sister and mom at Luke's. (Outfit above.) Rory was staring down mom, "how are the eggs?" I sigh and mom nods, "good." Rory replies with, "I'm glad." Rory continues to stare and I say, "I think they might still be good." Mom nods in agreement with me and Rory says, "I'm still glad." I get up with a sigh, "I'm picking up my lunch." Mom nods as I walk to the counter and see Taylor and a group of scouts getting ready to order.

So I just yell over them wanting my lunch, "Luke! I need my lunch." Luke then goes to get my usual lunch he always makes me from the back and one of the boys say, "we were here first." I scoff, "I'm starving and have been deprived of pink lemonade all morning. So unless you want to die before you get your order, hush up little boy." Taylor then says, "please Victoria, don't scare the boys." I roll my eyes, "how many times Taylor, it's Tori." Luke then comes back and hands me my usual, burger, fries, and pink lemonade to go.

I then ask, "can I get some doughnuts for later?" Just as he was about to answer the phone rang and I sigh. I turn back to see mom and Rory still there talking to Lane. Then mom comes up and asks, "seeing as he's on the phone Tori, can you get me doughnuts." I nod, "I was about to myself." I go behind the counter and get a pink sprinkle doughnut in a bag for me and chocolate one for my mom in a different bag. Then a little boy says, "Mr Doose, she's not supposed to do that." I shake my head, "I work here kid, so I can. here mom." She gives me a kiss on the cheek and says, "I love you." Just then Luke starts to raise his voice on the phone sounding mad and when he hangs up I ask, "you good, boss?" He sighs, "do you have a sister." I give him a 'really' look and say, "duh." He nods, "You have my sympathies." I nod, "thanks, I needed that." Rory having heard me yells, "hey!" I just gives her an innocent smile and mom just shakes her head at us.

School was normal, I did okay in math, good in music and art, bad in science, and horrible in English not to mention the teacher hates me because I struggle to keep up with the reading. The words are just really small and close together making it hard for me to read, you see I'm dyslexic and I don't normally let that define me at school but in English it's hard for it not to. So after the English teacher telling to try harder and basically that I'm dumb it was finally over.

I head right to the diner with my headphones on and I walk in and give Luke and mom a nod in greeting and walk up to Luke's apartment to drop off my bag. As I do I see a boy around my age siting on the couch reading. I take off my headphones and ask, "who are you? How did you even get up here?" He put's his book down and says, "I live here. Now can I help you?" I open my mouth to respond when Luke comes running in, "right, Tori. I forgot to tell you, my nephew Jess has moved in. Jess this is Tori she works at the diner." He nods, "hi." I just nod back and say, "I should head down."

I go back down and into the kitchen and put my headphones back on as I help Caesar in the kitchen. As I dance around the kitchen I hey someone shouting my name, "Tori! Tori!" I slid my headphones off and see it's Luke, "yeah Boss man." He sighs, "I've been yelling for five minutes. Your mom invited me and Jess over for dinner tomorrow. Will you be there or not?" I shrug, "I guess, maybe." Luke nods, "good." I laugh and then look at the time and take my apron off, "I love you Luke but you can be awkward sometimes. Anyway my shifts done but I can help you close if you want." He shakes his head, "no it's cool, go home and do some homework."

A/N: I hope you liked this part and I am just about to edit the second one and it should be updated today as well.

Xoxo Maddie.

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