Part 21

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This summer had been interesting, I mean it was good but also bad. For the first couple of weeks me and Jess just got death glares, after that smoothed over things were okay. Also I haven't told mom about the Rory and Jess kiss because I think she should be the one to tell her. Other then that it was good, no Rory, a job at Luke's, and spending all my time with Jess. Also I'm kind of ignoring the whole dad drama because I don't have the energy for it.

I was about to leave to convince Jess to come to the 'end of summer madness' when mom knocks on my door, "hey sweets, I'm going to pick your sister up. You coming?" I shake my head, "I'm going to see Jess to convince him to come tonight. I mean who could say no to this face?" Mom sighs, "look I know you love him and all, but you've spent the whole summer sucking faces. Didn't you miss Rory." No, but it's not my place to say that, "I'll just see her tonight, you got me out of dinner, right?" Mom nods, "yep said you and Jess went to spend the day in New York because he missed his mom. Now shoo, don't keep lover boy waiting." I give her a kiss on the cheek then run off to the diner.

I get there and see him at the counter and sit directly in front of him and pout. When he looks up from his book he rolls his eyes, "no." I intense my pout, "please! It will be fun and if it's not then we can leave right away. What do you say?" He shakes his head, "I don't do town events." I cross my arms, "you did that bid on a basket." He shrugs, "that was to annoy Dean, remember? So no." I pull him in and kiss him, "how about now?" He smirks, "I don't know maybe you should try it again." So I did and I smile in triumph, "I so have you whipped." He scoffs, "no you don't." I cross my arms, "you sure about that?" He goes back to his book and says, "no comment."

Once he finished his shift I took his hand and dragged him out of the diner and to the town centre. We had only been here ten minutes and Jess is already complaining, "I thought you said it was New York music. Do you remember this from New York? Oi dummies in strips! Learn a new song!" I take his hand, "let's go get some food to put a smile on your face." I lead him the cotton candy stand and he hands over the money and hands it to me, "here, have your pink sugary fluff of death." I roll my eyes, "Luke is rubbing off on you." He takes some cotton candy from me and shoves it in my mouth, "shut up."

Jess had lead me over to a tree and started kissing me and then I heard my mom, "Tori! Here now!" I pull away and see my mom with an annoyed looking Rory. I give Jess a quick peck, "I'll be back." He nods, "you better, I don't think I can handle this craziness without you." I laugh, "drama queen." I then walk over to my mom, "what is it the great and amazing Tori can do for you this fine evening." Mom then says, "did you know about Sookie's wedding?" I look at Rory as she looks down and I say, "I did, now if you will excuse me I don't feel like being near I homewrecker, that by the way is not single." Rory then looks up, "he kisses me too." I roll my eyes, "he pulled away you idiot. Why can't you just take it that someone loves me and not you. Now I'm going to leave before I drop kick a bitch!" My mom goes to tell me off for my langue but I was already gone.

Jess take me in his arms, "you good?" I nod, "I will be, is it cool if I stay with you tonight?" He gives me a kiss, "more then cool. Your sister's still looking." I huff, "wonderful." He laughs, "even better she's with Dean." I pout, "the poor boy, I mean I may not like him that much but he doesn't deserve to be second choice." He takes my hand and drags me to Luke's, "I mean look at me, how could she not like me." I hit him, "oh shut it." We give Luke a nod as we go up and I end up snuggling up to him as he reads me to sleep playing with my hair.

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