Part 13

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Me, mom, and Rory were sat in front of the TV bored and I say, "there's nothing on." Mom continues to look, "there's always something on. Stuck gold." I see she chose the two fat ladies cooking and Rory groans, "not the two fat ladies again." Mom asks, "why not? They're brilliant." I point out, "mom it's a cooking show, and you don't cook." She shrugs and carries on eating the popcorn, "that might change." I give her a look, "really?" Rory nods, "not a chance." Mom gives in, "fine, probably not." Rory then adds, "plus we've seen all of them, like, five times. They're all repeats." I nod, "yeah, because sadly one of the fat ladies met her maker." Rory looks up at me, "really? Which one?" I smirk and mom says, "the fat one." Rory laughs, "come on, the one on the motorcycle or the one in the sidecar?" Mom laughs, "see it's fun just talking about the two fat ladies." The doorbell rings and as Rory get's up she asks, "can't we find some other really fat people to watch." I gasp, "wow, that sounded really insensitive."

Then Paris walks in and mom says, "hey Paris. Were we expecting you?" She looks at us and says, "you should have been. I'm going to get set up." As she leaves Rory explains, "We're going to my room to work on my WPM." I frown and ask, "do we want to know?" She shakes her head, "nope." Just then the phone rings and I answer, "hello?" "Hey Kid." I smile, "hey dad. What you doing?" "Oh, just on a little business trip, I'm actually in the Litchfield area." "Really! That's close." He laughs, "I know." "You should come to Rory's debate if you're in town on Friday, I'll hand you to mom she can tell you about it, I have the morning shift at the diner so I'm going to bed." "alright, night kid love you." "love you too dad." I hand the phone to mom and give her a kiss on the cheek before going to bed.

It was Friday and I couldn't make it to Rory's debate because of school and then my shift and Luke's after. Jess decided to walk me home and I open the door and he walks in with me, "you know I can walk myself home." He shrugs, "it was either this or deal with Luke by myself." I put my hand to my heart, "you really know how to flatter a girl Kelly." I then hear someone clear their throat and I see my dad standing there with a women and mom and Rory sitting in the living room. I hug my dad, "dad! I didn't know you were here! I would have rushed home straight away." He smiles, "it's fine you're here now, oh and this is my girlfriend Sherry." She offers my hand and I fake a smile as I shake it, "it's so nice to meet you Tori, I have heard so much about you" I nod, "good to meet you too."

Dad then looks behind me and asks, "and who's this?" Before I could answer Jess hold out his hand, "Jess Mariano, nice to meet you sir." My dad shakes his hand and laughs, "please call me Chris, sir makes me feel old." Jess nods and the gives me a kiss on the cheek, "see you later Tori." I nod, "yeah. See you later." When he leaves dad says, "he seemed nice." Mom nods, "he actually did, I don't think I've ever seen him so formal." I sigh, "Mom." She hold up her hands in surrender and as I sit Sherry says, "actually I was just inviting your sister out for tonight. Would you like to join us." Mom adds, "you don't have to go to grandma's and grandpa's for dinner." I sigh inwardly and say, "sure why not."

As me and Rory were getting ready she says, "I know you don't like dad's girlfriends but I think this time is different, you know? I mean they live together and she seems really nice." I shake my head as I put on some lip gloss, "might last longer but dad will always love mom. It's sad really." Rory sighs, "just give her a chance at least. This time be nice, that's all I ask." I walk out of her room and say, "fine, I'm ready so I guess I'll wait in the living room." I usually don't talk to dad's girlfriends because they never last long, same with mom's boyfriends but we don't normally meet them.

Mom rushes down the stairs and Rory still isn't ready, "honey, hurry, they said 6:00." Rory doesn't rush as she says, "yeah but it's 6:00 'dad time', so it's more like 6:30." I shake my head, "yeah but 'dad time' is now linked with 'Sherry time'." Mom finishes my thought, "and Sherry seems awfully punctual." The phone rings and Rory says, "that is so annoying." Mom nods, "we have to learn to live with each others deficiencies." Rory then says about the phone, "I'll get it." Mom says, "if it's Leonard, tell him I'll call him back." Rory plays along, "he's so needy." I turn to mom, "it's okay I'm confused, right?" Mom laughs, "yes it is."

It's day after the movie with Sherry, it wasn't terrible but I still don't think I like her. She just seems so in your face and at points you just want slap her, you know? Anyway the day after dad and Sherry left and it turns out mom and dad got into a big fight before they left when me and Rory were talking to Sherry. I'm sure they'll make up, they're both really stubborn.

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