Part 22

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I got home the next morning go to my room to get change, "your alive then." I jump out of my skin and turn to see my mom standing there, "mom! You scared the hell outta me what is wrong with you?" She walks in, "I don't know maybe the fact that my kid just stayed over at a boys place, a boy with a shitty reputation, and that she has been practically attache at the tongue to." I frown, "what are you talking about?" She sighs, "atleast tell me you guys are being safe." My eyes widen, "oh my God no. Mom we didn't do anything, we haven't done anything." She nods slowly I can tell she doubts me, "okay if you say so..." I go to get dressed, "I do because its true. Anyway if I was you I would be worried about your other daughter who seems to like other girls boyfriends more than her own when it comes to her tongue." (outfit above.)

She looks at me like I've gone mad, "oh come on, sweetie it was a mistake she's chosen Dean. You have nothing to worry about." I scoff, "but if she chose Jess, what would you say then." She sighs, "well she didn't and if she did then there would of had to be something on both sides for her to leave Dean." Of course she would say that, "so your telling me, that is impossible for Rory to have deep feelings for someone and for them not to leave me and fall head over heels for her instead. Is she so much better then me that everyone loves her more." My moms eyes widen, "of course not. I know that boy loves you and you love him, Rory knows that to and that's why she chose Dean because Dean loves her and she loves him. It's simple and because of hormones--" I interrupt her, "do not even go there. If I kissed Dean you would not blame this on hormones I would be killed. That's also taking into account how Rory treats Dean! I love Jess, because that's his name not just some boy, more then she could ever love Dean, and I didn't have to kiss my twins boyfriend to figure that out."

Just then I hear a small voice at me door, "Tori, I'm sorry--" I grab clothes and shove them in a bag, "no, you listen here 'sissy' I don't want you giving my Jess anymore longing looks when your bored with Dean, I don't want your disgusting lips anywhere near him do you understand me, because if I see you I will bury you." Mom steps in the middle of us, "Victoria, that is enough." I shake my head and move past Rory, "for the way I feel, for the betrayal I feel, it will never be enough until she feels the same. I won't let you take this from me Rory." With that I leave and I head straight to Luke's.

I open the door and Luke looks up at the sound of the bell and he sees my bags, "he's upstairs, you can have my bed I'll have the couch." I shake my head, "I can have the couch." He sighs and nods before getting back to work. I go up the stairs and flop next to Jess who's watching TV, "you miss me already?" I nod, "I'm staying here for a bit" He puts his arm around me, "whatever you need Tor." I sniffle, "some pizza would be nice." He laughs, "its 9:30am right now." I pout, "with pepperoni." He picks up the phone, "you got it, Luke is gonna kill me." I nod, "I'll write you a good eulogy I promise."

twenty minutes later Luke calls us down and I see the pizza at the door as Jess went to pay I spot Dean and Rory, Dean is too busy glaring at Jess to see but I see the way my sister is pleading me with her eyes not to tell Dean anything." Just then I feel a hand round my waist, "hey, you good Tor." I send Jess and smile, "better then ever. Come on I'm sure you have a book with our names on it." We hear Luke yell as we go up, "you keep eating like that it will kill you, or I will!" I laugh and we run back up to the apartment.

"so, you gonna tell Dean." I scoff, "like he would believe me, he's convinced your in love with Rory and that I would tell any sort of lie to make her look bad because I'm jealous and getting used in your evil plan or something." He laughs, "dudes fucking mental. When you going home." I poke him in the side, "what you getting sick of me already? No but really, I don't know maybe tomorrow and just give them the silent treatment until they both act like I matter in all of this and that could be never. For now though pizza!" He laughs, "right, pizza." He kisses my temple and we start to eat.

A/N: Short chapter to get us back into the story. I feel the rift needs to happen because there is no way Tori would forgive her sister for doing that to her or her mom for justifying it. I personally would be pissed. More chapters coming soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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