Part 12

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(Outfit above.) It was the bid on the basket festival today and like every year I opted out of it, I didn't see the point in some random guy buying my basket and having to awkwardly make conversation. So I was working and Luke's and Jess was no where to be seen.  Just then I hear my mom speaking quickly and then I hear her yell, "Tori, you're in charge." I look out and see mom dragging Luke in the direction of the bid on the basket thing in the town center, when will they see that they are made for each other. Luke then came in and asks me, "hey can I get some burgers?" I laugh, "you won the basket then. Here, I made them for later but you can have them." I hand him two burgers, fries, and some carrots, "thanks Tori." As he leaves I shout, "have fun on your date!" He sends me a glare but doesn't deny it.

Soon after Dean comes in looking mad and storms up to me and says, "just so you know, Jess payed ninety dollars for Rory's basket. I thought seeing as you seem to have a thing going on you should know he's a jerk." My face falls and as the shock starts to leave my eyes tear up, "excuse me. Caesar you're in charge!" I wipe my eyes as I run upstairs and start to cry. I spent most of the afternoon up there until I feel the bed I was laying on dip and Jess whisper, "what's wrong? Did something happen?"

I sit up and wipe my tears away, "did you really just ask me that? You said you didn't like Rory." He nods, "and I don't. I didn't even mean to out bid Dean, he just got so mad if you saw his face you would understand." I sigh, "I did, he was the one to tell me. Jess, you should have told me. If you like my sister then fine because everyone likes her more but please just tell me." He frowns, "how could anyone like her more. All we did was talk, I mean after I saw what she packed I decided against the eating part. We only talked about books." I look down and pout, "you love talking about books." He laughs, "you look cute when you pout. Look I'll prove it to you I don't like her, her bracelet came off i think Dean gave it to her. I was gonna keep it to annoy Dean but here... Give it back to her."

I see him holding out the bracelet Dean gave her and take it, "okay..." He smiles, "okay. So movie and a pizza?" I get out of the bed and nod, "sounds good, I missed lunch and I am starving." He offers me his arm, "then shall we Princess?" I smirk, "so we shall, Kelly." We leave the apartment and Luke sees us and asks, "where are you two going." I shrug, "movie and pizza." Luke raises his eyebrow, "sounds like a date." I go to deny it when Jess says, "maybe it is. I mean if that's cool with you." I blush, "yes. That's cool with me." He shakes his head, "you and blushing." I wave to Luke, "see you tomorrow boss." He nods and we leave to go to the movie.

When I get home I see mom and Rory on the couch watching TV. Mom turns hearing the door and says, "you're home late." I nod, "I may have been on a date." Rory turns and smirks, "with who and why did I not know about it." I smile, "with Jess, and it was very in the moment." Rory's face falls slightly, "oh, you know we went on the picnic." I nod, "yeah Dean told me, then Jess came to me straight after and took me for a movie and pizza. Jess said he just wanted to annoy Dean, oh and Jess said you dropped this." I hand her the bracelet and as she puts it back on I go to my room with my mom following.

Mom closes the door behind her and says, "so it was good? With Jess?" I nod, "yep, it was great." She puts on a smile, "great? Wow." I give her a look before I say, "can you just come out with it?" She sighs, "it's just, I was good with you two being friends but this is just so... wow. I mean he doesn't have the best track record and I know these types of guys." I cross my arms, "what do you mean by best track record?" She then starts to list, "I mean come on kid, the vandalism, the stealing, the cutting school, and the fighting." I frown, "how do you know about the cutting school and the fighting." She sighs, "Dean expressed his concerns for both you and Rory, you know he sees you as a little sister." I scoff, "he has a funny way of showing it at school. Dean had no right to do that, just leave now please." She sighs, "kid just listen I know boys like him..." I shout, "just get out! Why did you have to ruin this for me!" When she leaves I slam the door and go to sleep.

The next morning I told Rory about the fight and Dean and she was just as mad as me, however she said she was mad for me but I think she may have been lying about that. We are now at Friday night dinner and Grandma is ranting about Grandpa's cigar club and when none of us say a word she asks, "I'm sorry, am I boring you?" Mom shakes her head, "no, you're not." Me and Rory then both say, "sorry, Grandma." Grandma then asks, "so how are things at the Inn?" Mom answers short and sweet, "fine, the same." Grandma then asks, "and Rory, how's that boyfriend of yours?" I scoff, "he's apparently very chatty, right Rory?" She nods and Grandma nods, "that's nice. Tori do you have a boyfriend?" I scoff, "not if mom has anything to say about it." Grandma says, "well no mother really want's their little girl to get one." Mom says, "she's right." I just roll my eyes and go back to eating.

Grandma then slams her cutlery down, "alright, what is the matter with you two?" Mom sighs, "nothing, everything is fine." Grandma carries on, "did something happen, because you've been sitting here all night, not saying a word and not even looking at each other. Are you in a fight?" Mom says, "I'm not." I scoff, "please." Mom then bites back, "you're the one who's been freezing me out all week." My phone starts to ring and as I go for it I say, "I haven't had anything to say, and Rory's been doing the same." Rory's eyes widen before going back to her food not wanting to be brought into this.

As I check my phone mom asks, "who is it?" "no one." Mom gives me a look, "why won't you tell me who." I sigh, "it's no one." Mom then asks, "is it Jess?" I shake my head, "even if it was why would I tell you." She shakes her head, "unbelievable, so it is Jess." Grandma then asks, "who's Jess?" Mom then says, "Luke's nephew. Who else could it be?" I shake my head, "it's not Jess okay? It's my friend Gabi, you want to check it, oh no wait I'm sure you'll get your spy Dean to do that for you." She shakes her head, "that's not funny. All week you've been--" I interrupt her, "we are not getting into this again." Grandma looks between us and asks, "what? Getting into what? Is it about Jess-- the thing you're not getting into? Rory?" She lifts her hands, "I'm staying out of it. Can I actually be excused." Rory then leaves to the kitchen.

I glare at mom, "You never liked Dean at the beginning. Is this because he likes me and not Rory?" Mom shakes her head, "I didn't know Dean. With Jess, I know him." Grandma asks, "are you dating Jess? Why didn't you tell me." I shake my head, "I am seeing him, we're not official and if mom had her way we never would be." Mom nods, "he's trying to weasel in. He sees it as a game and we both know it. He's trouble." I roll my eyes, "he's no more trouble then I am." Grandma then says, "if your mother thinks this boy isn't appropriate company, then you need to listen to her." Mom then says, "thank you mom." I put my napkin down and say, "I'm not feeling hungry, excuse me." I get up and head to Grandpa's study.

After awhile mom knocks on the door, "can I come in?" I sigh, "not my house." She sits next to me, "just listen to for one second, okay? I don't wanna lock you up and throw away the key." I nod slowly, "good." She carries on, "your judgment means something, especially to me. I can't be your eyes and your ears and your brain." I frown, "you lost me." She sighs, "I got spooked. I know it violates the fabulous cool-mom clause but i did. I don't want you to make the same choices I did. If you promise me to be safe and responsibly then I'm okay with Jess, however we really should redo that dinner party." I nod, "yeah we should. Thanks mom." She hugs me, "so fight over?" I smile and nod, "fight over. You still seem sad, why?" As we walk to the door she says, "my mother agreed with me." I say, "I'm so sorry." She shrugs, "well, nothing a good shower won't fix."

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