Part 18

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We have just arrived in New York and Jess says, "my mom's place is this way." I nod and follow, "lead the way." When we get there he knocks on the door and a blonde women opens it, "Luke called what did you do this time Jess." He walks past her with me behind, "it's not important I'm back aren't I?" She sighs, "fine don't tell me. So who's this." I wave, "Tori Gilmore, I'm Jess's girlfriend." She nods and Jess says, "she's staying in my room don't you worry. I'll show you the way so you can put down you bag." I nod and we walk to his room on the way his mom yells, "nice to meet you Tori."

I put my bag beside his bed and then ask, "so what's there to do here for fun." He sits on the bed and I sit next to him, "are you sure about this, you can go home any time." I shake my head, "not without you." Then I hear Jess's mom yell, "I'm going out!" Then the door slam behind her. Jess says, "get changed and we'll go out." I nod and he leaves as I get changed. I walk out and he hands me my coat and we leave locking up the apartment after us.

Once we leave the building he leads the way to a small park, "welcome to Washington Square Park." I smile, "it's amazing." We sit on a bench as he pulls his book out, "it's one of the few peaceful places here." I lay on his shoulder and listen to him read like we did in Stars Hollow. Just then I hear a whistle behind us, "Jessie boy, and who is this fine thing." I sit up and see a group of boys approaching us, "my names Tori and I'm not anyone's thing." Jess stands up, "Jake, I think you should watch your mouth." He laughs, "wow, and here was me thinking that small town made you soft. What you doing back, you get kicked out for littering?"

Jess rolls his eyes, "just leave Jake." He sighs, "you are no fun I tell you." He grabs my hand, "come on Tori I have somewhere else to show you." Jake yells after us, "see you soon Jessie boy." Once we get further enough away I ask, "who was that?" Jess sighs, "an old friend, he's bad news." I nod, "ok I trust you. So where are we going?" We end up in a record shop looking at old records that had been long and forgotten .

It's been almost a week and I decided to call my mom, "hey mom." "Oh, my God Tori. Are you okay?" "I'm ok I promise. How's Rory?" "She's ok in a cast but ok. Fridays coming up pretty soon kid again and I said you and Rory were sick the last one, can you make it?" I sigh, "I don't know mom." "If it helps it's not a dinner it's you grandpa's launch party and I know he'd want you there." I turn to look at Jess before saying, "I'll try to make it but this doesn't mean I'm coming home." "Kid..." "I gotta go, this a long distance call, but I'll see you Friday mom."

I am at the bus stop with Jess, "are you sure about this?" I nod, "yes I am, look I'll call you as soon as I'm on my way back." He gives me a kiss, "You better Gilmore." I then get on the bus. As soon as I step off the bus and started to walk to the house I felt eyes on me everywhere. I finally reached the house with dress in hand and knocked on the door. Rory answered and grab me into a hug, "you're here!" I nod, "yep but only for tonight then I'm getting the bus in the morning. Buses at night aren't the safest." Mom comes down, "Rory I can't find my-- Tori! Oh my God, you're here." I nod, "said I would be, I'll go get dressed." (Outfit above.) 

After stopping for some food we arrive at the party, and Grandpa's office looks packed of people. Me and Rory are just standing there as we wait for mom to come back with drinks. Just as we sat Grandma walks over and sees her arm, "what's that on her arm?" Mom hands us the drinks then says, "I was gonna tell you about that." We both say, "hi Grandma." Grandma looks at her arms again, "that's a cast." Mom nods, "yes it is, she hurt her arm." "When? How bad is it?" I take her other hand as she says, "I fractured my wrist." Grandma looks in shock, "oh, my God!" Mom tries to play it down, "it's just a hairline fracture. It's just tiny." "When did this happen?" Mom replies, "um, last week."

Grandma then asks, "last week? Why didn't you call me? Last week? I can't believe you." "Well, I meant to." "How did this happen." Mom blurts out, "bees." I stifle a laugh but mange to hold it in. Is that what she was going with? Rory then says, "I got in a car accident." "What?" Mom tries to stop her, "Rory." I shake my head, "let her mom." "I got in a car accident." Grandma looks at mom in shock, "how could you not tell us that she got in a car accident." Rory adds, "Tori was also there." I nod, "But I'm fine just a little bruised." Grandma then asked, "is this why they missed dinner. You said they had the flu." Mom keeps her calm, "I just didn't want you to worry, mom."

Grandma huff, "why yes, because there is clearly nothing to worry about. It was that car, wasn't it-- the one her boyfriend made. Richard was dead set against letting her drive that death mobile." Mom shakes her head, "it wasn't the car mom." Rory nods, "a friend and me and Tori went to get ice cream." "What friend? Lane." I shake my head, "Jess. My boyfriend." Mom's eyes widen at the information and Grandma looks at my mom, "I though you were going to keep her away from that boy." Mom looks at the floor, "do we have to do this now?" "Yes we do, Rory has a cast on her arm. You shall end it right this minute Tori do you hear me?"

I scoff, "you don't even know him. This is why I left Stars Hollow." "You left Stars Hollow?" I nod, "yes I moved into Jess' mom's apartment with him. So I don't have to take this." "You do not speak to me that way I am your Grandmother." I shake my head, "then you should love me no matter what. If you'll excuse me I'm going to say goodbye to Grandpa and make my way home to New York tonight instead." Mom shakes her head, "Your home is Stars Hollow." I protest, "no my home is where Jess is, and I don't see him around, do you?" With that I walk up to Grandpa, "grandpa congrats on business, but I'm afraid I'm leaving." He turns from who he was talking to and asks, "thank you, is your mother and sister going to?" I shake my head, "just me, grandma will explain and I will send my new number soon." I give him a hug and leave.

I get a taxi and give them the New York address and then call Jess and he comes down and pays for the expensive taxi and I go to the room. "What happened?" I lay on the bed, "Grandma knows and she demanded I end things and I lost it and left. I'll pay you back." He shakes his head, "don't worry about it. Let's just watch some TV." So we did, we fell asleep watching TV.

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