Part 14

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We were buying food for the movie night and I ask, "mom do you still hate Jess?" Rory had gone to get the movie so it was just the two of us and she says, "I don't hate him, I just don't love him as a person." I sigh, "You do know we're dating." She sighs, "I know, but you're not official. Right?" I nod, "right, he hasn't asked and I think I know why." She picks up some red vines and asks, "why?" I give her a look, "because he knows you hate him and he knows I value your opinion." She smiles, "so he has some common sense. Look I don't hate him Tori, you can date him if you want to." I shake my head, "mom, I want you to like him, and for you to invite him over for movie night like you do with Dean. Wait I know, we still need the rain gutters cleaned, right?"

She nods, "right...?" We get to the check out and I say, "well Jess is always looking to make extra cash because he doesn't make much at the diner. You don't have to pay him much but he could come round, do this and you two could try and semi bond." She pays the check out guy and sighs, "kid..." I pull out my puppy dog eyes, "pretty please mom. For me, it would make me very happy." She grabs two of the bags and I take the others, "fine, but if he has the same attitude as last time I will kick his arse." I laugh, "deal." Rory runs up to us, "what you guys talking about?" Mom says, "Jess is cleaning our rain gutters." Rory's eyes widen slightly, "really, well, great, um we better get home to watch this movie." I nod, "yep. What did you pick?" She hold is up, "sound of music." That was a weird reaction right?

It was the next day and Jess was coming round to do the rain gutters. (Outfit above.) Mom had just finished showing me and my sister the clock radio and then the door knocks and I get up, "I'll get it and leave you to your fun." I answer the door and see Jess and he hands me a CD, "here." I look at it and ask, "the Shags?" He smirks, "trust me." I let him in and say, "when have I not. Now I never counted you to be one to be punctual to work." He shrugs, "it was either this or continue looking for an apartment with Luke." I wince, "I'm sure that was fun. So why the sudden move Kelly?" He then explains, "Luke flipped last night, next thing I know, he's dragging me all over town and he's banging on pipes and measuring square footage." I shrug, "it could be nice, you might even get your own room." He smirks and says with a wink, "I'm sure you would love that."

I whack him on the arm and then I hear ducks and mom shouts, "hey! Ducks!" Jess looks confused so I tell him, "new alarm clock, just go with it." He nods and then my mom and Rory walk through, "did you here the ducks? 'Cause that are... great." I nod, "we heard them mom." Rory then smiles at Jess, "hey, you came." Jess just nods and says, "yep." Mom then jumps in, "come in, do you want something to drink." We all follow mom to the kitchen and she continues, "you have good timing because we shopped yesterday, and in addition to a case of Maybelline fresh lash Mascara, I also brought some of that new freaky coke with the lemon in it. It's very addictive."

I shrug, "I still prefer pink lemonade." He takes the coke and I say, "you know you can sit, the chairs won't run away if you try to like at the diner." He shakes his head, "no thanks, and it didn't runaway you moved it." I give him an innocent smile, "no clue what you mean." Mom then asks, "so Jess what's new?" He shrugs, "no much." I elbow him then say, "him and Luke are looking for an apartment." Mom nods, "you guys find anything good yet?" He shakes his head, "nope." Mom starts to ramble slightly, "you, know there's some really cool places on Peach. Or on Plum. Orange. Basically, any of your fruit-named streets are pretty nice. Okay, well I guess you should get started. There's a ladder out front and some buckets and gloves and stuff on the porch. If you need anything else, just walk against the wind."

Rory offers to show him as I grab a pink lemonade and mom says, "I'm trying." I nod, "I know he just finds it hard to talk to new people. You'll get there, promise." I give her a kiss on the cheek and walk out to hear Rory saying, "So if you care about me at all, you will be mildly polite to her." I clear my throat, "since when did he care about you?" She looks at me with wide eyes, "I meant as a friend and I'm right he should be nice to mom and-- you know what excuse me I have homework." She rushes off and I laugh, "she is so easy, also told you so. She so has a crush" He rolls his eyes, "Whatever." I see the coke and pick it up and throw it away, "I knew you wouldn't drink it. I'll get you some water, but please try to be nice to my mom." He nods, "I will and thanks." I go back inside grab him some water then after giving it to him went to my shift at Luke's.

When I came back I saw Rory in the living room watching TV and I could hear talking in the kitchen. I walk into the Kitchen to see my mom and Jess talking about movies. When she sees me she says, "you Tori have a boy who knows his stuff, I mean he has some faulty opinions but they'll change after movie nights." I smile, "yeah I guess they will." Jess stand up, "I should get back to work, thanks for the leftovers." My mom smiles, "your welcome." When he leaves I turn to mom, "so?" She sighs, "I was wrong, okay? He's a nice lad, with a couple of issues but who doesn't have those." I give her a hug then skip outside and climb the ladder and meet Jess up on the roof.

He sees me and rolls his eyes, "You're a health and safety hazarded up here." I shrug, "I am anywhere. So my mom likes you. Thanks for trying." He shrugs, "of course I mean she is your mom and I care about you. She's not as bad as I thought, I mean I see where you got you mouth from." I whack his arm, "hey!" We both laugh and I help him finish up a little.

A/N: Hey guys sorry for the late update I've just been really busy with exams but I promise to try and be better. Tell me how and when you think Jess and Tori should be girlfriend and boyfriend.

Xoxo Maddie.

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